By David Greene, MD, CEO

Medical marijuana is now legal in 15 states. Overall, marijuana is federally illegal, so there must be a good reason for these states to have legalized it for medicinal use. In fact there are multiple diseases and symptoms for which medicinal marijuana helps substantially.

1. Crohns Disease - Numerous studies have displayed excellent outcomes for medical marijuana relieving symptoms of GI disorders like Crohn's. The cannabinoids in marijuana activate a receptor called CB2 - this is thought to reduce GI tract inflammation in addition to alleviating pain and swelling.

2. Chronic pain - Overall this comprises the largest medical marijuana use by far. High up in the central nervous system is where marijuana blocks the pathways of pain, and it is a different neurochemical signaling system than opiates. The though process is that opiates and marijuana can act as complementary analgesic medications since they are acting in 2 different mechanisms.

3. Severe Nausea - Vomiting and nausea reduction is the longest standing use for medical marijuana. Patients undergoing radiation therapy or cancer chemotherapy can benefit tremendously from marijuana to prevent nausea. Along with prevention of nausea, patient may also be able to gain weight back of up to forty to fifty pounds.

4. Severe Muscle Spasms - There are conventional medications available by prescription for these symptoms, but at times those meds cause weakness or drowsiness. Muscle spasms are when patients tense reflexively and resist stretching. Patients utilizing medical marijuana for reducing muscle spasticity and pain have found substantial relief.

5. Cancer - There are 5 ways medical marijuana works for cancer. It decreases nausea, reduces vomiting, assists with appetite, calms anxiety, and gives significant pain relief.

6. Glaucoma - We do not know exactly the mechanism of how cannabinoids reduce intra-ocular pressure. But they do, and the effect lasts for about four hours.

7. Cachexia or Wasting Syndrome - Over fifty percent of cancer patients show a dramatic weight loss of lean body mass which can appear as wasting, or cachexia as it is called. AIDS patients may experience wasting as well. THC may allow patients to gain forty to fifty pounds and make patients over three times more likely to stick with their anti-retroviral medication regimen.

8. ALS - The cannabinoids in medical marijuana may protect against glutamate toxicity. This may be very helpfult because ALS involves excessive glutamate in the brain tissue, spinal fluid, and serum of those suffering. By lowering the chance of glutamate toxicity, there is a chance that marijuana may have a neuroprotective effect. In addition, patients describe alleviation of pain and spasms, improvement of appetite, and less drooling issues which is a common problem with ALS.

9. AIDS and HIV - Marijuana stimulates appetite which is critical to patients with chemotherapy patients and also AIDS patients dealing with severe weight loss.

10. Multiple Sclerosis - These patients may find that medical marijuana helps suppress imbalance, tremors, depression, fatigue, and spasticity.

Despite continuing social stigma with marijuana, the legitimate medicinal assistance it provides cannot be denied. Thankfully, there is a rising trend towards legalization for debilitated and qualified patients.

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