Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief to Consider

By Marcelino Valeri

Before a patient and his or her doctor could achieve sciatic nerve pain relief, it is important to identify what is triggering the sciatica to begin with. When the sciatic nerve or wrongly referred to as ciatic nerve is squeezed or irritated, sciatica develops. This nerve compression is what is typically named as a "pinched nerve."

Numerous problems may result in sciatica. The following are some of these ailments...
* Herniated Disc in the Lumbar Spine = Extrusion of the contents of the disc center presses the spinal cord or nerve roots
* Spinal Stenosis = The constricting of the spinal canal leads to a compression on the spinal cord or nerve roots
* Spinal Osteoarthritis = Bone spurs or cracked pieces of cartilage and bone may aggravate the sciatic nerve
* Spondylolisthesis = Sciatic nerve becomes impinged as a result of spinal problems
* Muscle Stress
* Piriformis Syndrome
* Pregnancy

When these conditions are existing, a sharp pain in the lower back and buttocks that expands to the back of the legs, knees, and feet may manifest which is referred to as sciatica nerve pain. Quite often, sciatic pain is felt on only one side relying on the area where nerve impingement is found.

In most cases, treatment of sciatica is largely traditional, focused on pain alleviation. However, in some patients, these conservatives are not enough. When one talks of sciatica nerve pain relief, this would particularly involve immediate treatment on the affliction that is inducing the aggravation or compression of the nerve. Various simple massage therapy and stretching exercises are involved in these simple procedures that focus on relaxing tight and spastic muscles.

Several physicians suggest pain medication or muscle relaxants, and also anti-depressants that will help you handle chronic pain. In more serious situations an epidural steroid injection may be suggested to help reduce swelling and pressure on the nerve. These injections aren't usually extremely effective and can also cause significant side-effects. Due to the risks, there is a limit on what percentage of these injections an individual may receive, which are not generally more than 3 per year.

When it pertains to a herniated disc, spinal decompression is frequently performed to pull the bulging disc material back into the center to reduce compression. Sciatic nerve impingement like spondylolisthesis and spinal stenosis can also be relieved through remedial surgeries. Surgery is especially suggested in patients with progressive weakness or loss of bladder or bowel function ("cauda equina syndrome").

Whether the procedure is simply conventional or surgical, the final result should be sciatic nerve pain relief.

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