By Haywood Raptis

Today society covets the image of a vigorous healthy athletic individual with an outdoor flair. This has not always been the case as society once shunned deeper skin tones. The current dilemma is that higher skin melanin is coveted, but the UV radiation is a known carcinogen, making products such as the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set an important image tool.
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Through the ages, cultures have had different opinions about what constitutes beauty. When it comes to exposure to solar rays, the resulting deeper skin hues have had a turbulent past. In some cultures, exposure was something to be avoided at all costs, it is unfortunate that they did not have the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set product to get darker skin tones safely.

The elite in Europe were particularly concerned with remaining fashionably pale, and took some austere measure to appear that way. Far from the idea of using something like the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set to look healthier, they painted their skin white and added blue lines to represent veins. The less pigment in their skin, the classier they felt, a far cry from the fashionable toned who use the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set today.

About a hundred years ago, people still believed that if one had the king of glow one gets from using the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set, then one must be of a lower class. Only those who engaged in manual labor like construction or farming were exposed long enough to get darker. It is ironic that now people clamor to find products like the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set to achieve a healthy look.

As science progressed, medicine began to recognize that exposure to solar radiation had medical benefits. The public was made aware that vitamin D could be produced and the dreaded disease tuberculosis mediated. As the health of the pigmentation became popular, problems arose, but no product such as the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set was available.

As with many societal shifts, it was in the world of entertainment that the greatest driver toward darker skin hues occurred. In 1929 a fashion model by the name Coco Chanel vacationed on a ship in the Mediterranean. While details argue over whether she intentionally worked to darken her skin without the aid of a product like the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set, or that she simply got a sunburn, her new look took society by storm.

As the public continued to engage in the effort to develop that newly anointed healthy glow outdoors, the awareness of health concerns grew. Science searched for greater protections from the damaging ultraviolet rays, with gradual success. The risk free method using the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set also appeared on the market to the relief of the public and physicians.

In order to be considered a truly attractive man or woman, one cannot look like the pale creatures so coveted in generations past. Darker skin tones mean one is athletic and has time to engage in outdoor fun. For the time challenged, the same beautiful effect is possible with the Sun Labs Dark Sun Set; without the risk from UV exposure.

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