By Harriett Crosby

Modern life seems to demand youth. Magazines, television and the movies all seem to conspire to convince people, men and women alike, that the only way to be successful and to look successful is to look youthful. Many people believe this fervently and they do everything within their power to keep youthful looks. Surgery used to be the only solution but these days, anyone looking for treatment with Botox Albuquerque consulting rooms seems to be the top destination.

The actual name for the drug known as Botox is Botulin Toxin A. It is closely related to the toxic substance that causes food poisoning and it can actually be fatal. However, the drug is used to treat a number of medical conditions and has been around for some time. Severe under arm sweating, rapid blinking and other conditions that relates to uncontrollable muscle movements have responded well to treatment.

Medical practitioners also use this drug to treat a variety of other maladies. Uncontrollable sweating under the arms can be cured with the drug and many neurological conditions that affect the movement of the shoulder and neck muscles can also be controlled. Misaligned eyes and uncontrollable blinking has also been treated successfully. The drug has even proved to be successful in the treatment of migraine and overactive bladders.

The drug works by actually paralyzing specific muscles and by blocking specific nerves. It does not result in a permanent effect but it lasts for only three to twelve months, depending upon the muscles or nerves being treated. Thereafter the treatment must be repeated. Treatment is simple. The drug is injected slowly and very carefully and the administrator of the drug needs to be very careful to target the correct area.

Using the drug is not really dangerous when it is administered by an experienced doctor. There are, however, some potential side effects. Many people experience symptoms similar to flu, headaches and some bruising. More serious side effects may include drooping of the eyes, uneven smiles, and symptoms similar to botulism. A few patients may experience difficulty in breathing and trouble swallowing. Pregnant women should never be treated with this drug.

There can be no doubt that the drug has some beneficial results. Otherwise it would not be as popular as it is. It is known to effectively treat wrinkles and facial lines without the use of invasive surgery. It is especially effective in treating wrinkles around the mouth, the neck and the forehead. It is also applied to the brow, causing a younger look.

The drug is used by many millions of people and most of them never experience any uncomfortable side effects. Cosmetic interventions have long ceased to be the exclusive domain of women. Many men also use it to smooth their necks, shoulders and faces. It is very important, however, to make sure that the drug is administered by an experienced medical professional.

For treatment with Botox Albuquerque citizens are lucky to be able to choose between many experienced practitioners. It is true that the side effects can be serious, but this can be prevented by using registered and experienced doctors. The drug is unfairly labeled as a cosmetic drug only. It is useful in the treatment of a number of common ailments.

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