By Christian Bordner

With the help of abdominoplasty Dallas residents will enjoy a number of benefits. Much of the loose skin from your stomach can be tightened. Also, unwanted fat from the midsection may be removed. This will give you a more youthful and trim looking figure, and you may want to go to the beach more often. However, there are a few things one should know about the procedure.

This is an operation and there is recovery time required. You should make sure that your work or home schedule allows for about four to six weeks of recovery. During that time may will be limited on what you can do.

The first days after surgery are the most difficult so take care of your stitches. Sleeping on the stomach or back is not recommended for a week or two. Sitting up in a chair may also be painful. Take caution to avoid pain during this time and it will give you a smooth and problem free recovery.

Sutures may be dissolving or permanent and you may need to have some of them removed. Until they are gone, you should avoid too much exposure to water. Taking a bath is not a good idea for at least a month. Avoid getting into the pool or hot tub during that time also.

Your skin will stay in the right position during healing process when you wear something to keep it in place. To not forget to wear your compression clothing at all times (except in the shower). This garment can help reduce swelling and prevent edema from building up underneath the skin.

Your doctor at the plastic surgery center will provide you with complete instructions for your recovery. Make sure and follow them to the letter and if you have questions call and talk to the staff. With proper care, you should have the kind of results with abdominoplasty Dallas residents love.

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