By Estelle Larsen

Knowledge is the secret to success. But if you couple it with extra preparation, focus, hard work, and fun, you can be a person you wanted to be. Challenges are part of life and it is just a matter of how you handle things right. Mental and emotional preparedness are too important especially if you are taking a board examination.

The lessons where you have been learning the whole time are going to be tested in the examination. And if you fail these tests, the hard work you have been working for will be gone. You will have to try again next time to pass the State Board Esthetics Practical Exam. But never think of defeat instead think that you can survive the test. This is what they call the law of attraction.

Being prepared is like deciding to have a better future in a tough road. You must be armed with calm emotion and sufficient information for you to be calm and relax while answering the questions. A tranquil mind will help you get through it. Keep your heads up and focus on the question. This is easy, you know the answer.

To avoid from panicking, keep your senses in their right places. And also find a place away from a noisy environment and a place with a nice feeling and scent that you are comfortable of. In silence, pray to God and follow his steps without a fail. While you are studying, you are under his wings, nothing is impossible because He will be your guide as you accomplish your goal without shortcuts.

Accept that struggles are part of being alive. These problems make our life meaningful when we overcome them one by one. When you learn to accept the reality, you are more likely to ignore than to feeling sorry to yourself. Set up your mind like a computer. Doing things one at a time and take note that the examination is last challenge of getting your aim.

Feeling negative is normal but if you choose to be miserable then do not expect a win. To erase negative emotions, think of happy thoughts. Think of your inspiration whether a popular personality whom inspired you or think of your family, your mom and dad. If you are married, think of your husband and children.

Always review your answers. Do not answer in haste. People who rush, they usually get the wrong one. Keep the right pace. You can practice at home if you really desire to have a good mark on the test. Just be confident. You have prepared for this.

Take some precaution with your health. When we are too eager to achieve something, we tend to forget our health. Eat healthy foods, take some rest, get up for early morning jog, and take some moments to relax your mind. You can listen to music if you want. Participate in sports. You know, our brain needs to relax and do it with fun is more effective than forcing yourself to work with exhausted body and mind.

The road will not be easy. Expect tremendous rejections and disappointments. These obstacles are there to build you and help you know yourself better. When you dream and you do something about it, you are unstoppable.

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