By Matt Chaderia

An amazing phenomenon has been discovered that is supposed to apply sound waves in new and interesting ways. A surface can be vibrated making sound waves visible on a surface. Patterns show in a thin coating placed on a surface. For anyone who would like to explore Cymatic Therapy Huntsville is the optimal place to do so.

The patterns are facilitated through the use of an apparatus such as a Chinese spouting bowl, a Chinese singing fountain or a CymaScope. When copper handles on the singing fountain are rubbed, the copper bottom displays a visual pattern of sound.

Cymatic phenomena were documented in 1967 by a Swiss medical doctor. He assigned it the name, Cymatics. In two volumes he discussed systems theory and the many types of periodic phenomena which caused sound to display visually.

He used piezoelectric crystals by hooking them up to frequency generators and amplifiers. They converted the frequencies into strong vibrations. These vibrations caused steel plates to resonate.

He published two volumes of work on the subject. One was published in 1967 and another in 1972. In 2002 both were combined and published in a hardcover edition.

His theories were tested and repeated in a number of experiments over the years. These experiments resulted in new application. Special tools have been developed and used to achieve a close to perfect metabolic state for the human skin cell.

Cymatic theory posits that therapy is applied through the skin to promote healing. Many instruments are now available. There are 600 programs, plus special designs can be made using the instrument called the MK6.

Usage has evolved into beauty applications. Face lifts can be performed without surgery. Cymatherapy tightens the skin, not just on the surface, but all thee layers. Natural collagen in the skin is renewed.

These applications regenerated the skin. In addition, they are able to reduce acne scars and other skin irregularities. Eye lifts are performed non-surgically and the wrinkles seen in aging skin are softened.

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