By Estelle Larsen

To those who have a desire to become estheticians, they have to face their certification or licensing examination. This examination is the one that will provide them with the proof they need to show that they are already qualified professionals. The examination for these aspiring professionals will have varied esthetician test questions.

This particular examination is meant to gauge the aspiring professional's skills and knowledge on his or her profession. If the said professional failed that examination, then that means that he or she is not yet ready for work. That means that the professional still needs further training and studying to be able to work in this field.

For the said examination, it is only natural for an individual to prepare for it. If the individual does not make the appropriate preparations, then you can expect to fail the examination. It is very rare for individuals who do not study to pass any examination, after all. Here are the different types of examination you can face.

Multiple choice. It is the type of question where you will be asked for information and you will be given choices to choose from. There is no limit to the choices you will be given. The least is two choices but the maximum is not set. The standard number of choices given in a multiple choice question though is four.

Identification. In this type, you will have to take note of some trigger words to be able to answer. The tactic of using trigger word is best used when you are having a hard time memorizing the full definition of terms. This type of test will require you to give the correct term the given definition is referring to, after all.

Matching type. It is a mix of a multiple choice and identification type. One column will give the definition of the word. Another column is for the possible answers. You have to choose in the column containing the possible answers which one is best referred to by the definition written in the second column.

True or false. It is the type of question where you will be instructed to identify whether a statement is true or false. Some tricky items usually have just one word that makes the item false. Under this type of question, there is the modified true or false where you will be required to put in the words that will make a false statement correct.

Fill in the blank. This is the type of testing type where you will be given incomplete statements. A blank will substitute the missing words. You will be the one to give the correct words in there. It will be easier for you if you have choices you can choose from. Some quizzes usually give these choices though.

Essay. It is through this testing that your reasoning and writing skills are thoroughly tested. You will be given a query or you will be asked your opinion on a certain matter. You will then articulate in writing what you have in mind about the matter. Through your writing, you have to defend whatever answer you have.

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