By Daphne Bowen

For the many millions of American women and men who have been waiting for it, the state of California has finally decriminalized the use of marijuana, and even legalized the use of this product for medicinal purposes. Scientists can continue to study this plant and it's powers of healing without losing funding. From inside the safety of a compounding pharmacy South San Francisco, a new means of treating disease can now emerge.

The compounding of these drugs basically involves bringing together the necessary ingredients for the medicine in order to maximize efficacy. This particular type of drug can and is tailor made to suit the needs of a particular patient. Sometimes it is not easy to remember that these same citizens were regarded as a criminal element.

People require a different type of cannabis depending on how potent their needs are. For example, a person with back pain after work may not need as strong a strain as a person with a condition such as cerebral palsy, though they might choose a stronger dose because there is no chance of overdose, and zero side-effects. However, the dose the individual requires is what brings them back to baseline, or their own personal normal.

There are still authority and jurisdictional issues between the states and the Federal Government, who have shown repeatedly that they do not intend to honor the decriminalization of cannabis or any other so-classified substance. This is a violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. This amendment provides protection against illegal search and seizure, yet officers will stop pedestrians and search vehicles without first obtaining a warrant.

Those doctors who run these pharmacies get quite upset when the authorities force their way into their businesses with guns drawn. This is regarded as an egregious violation of the Fourth Amendment. The doctors remind the authorities that they are educated professionals operating in accordance to the laws of their state to provide a treatment that is a benefit to everyone within the community that needs it.

The first example of Federal disregard occurred when Abraham Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation, and it continues to this day. Anyone who has found themselves under the bus with the drug laws in the United States knows just how insidious representatives of their government can be. As the law treads more and more on individual liberties, the people become more rebellious in the face of it.

The Federal government has also attempted to pass laws requiring vaccination. This is merely another means of subjugating the people, and another excuse for officers to step inside of a dwelling. Be warned, if your husband and/or wife do not have an officer they report to, the police department will try with all their might to make sure you get one.

California has remained in the limelight on the marijuana issue since the 1960s, and so it will remain. They now can add Colorado, South Carolina, and possibly even Texas onto their credit, as these states appear ready to follow suite. When we can get everyone who is sitting in prison for marijuana-related offenses free, then this country will begin to feel like it should again.

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