By Ted Strothers

The incidents of sciatica have a wide variety of symptoms and intensity of the pain it causes. The location of pain on the body is lower back and radiating down one leg. In some cases it radiates down both legs. Regardless of the symptoms and how they are expressed, a leading Greenwood Village Chiropractor can provide help in alleviating the hurt.

The cause of sciatica is pressure against the sciatic nerve. It can be moderate or it can be unbearable. You may be in constant pain or feel it intermittently. This is not a disease, but, a symptom of the pressure. Only by identifying and eliminating the cause can the pain be alleviated.

Your first appointment with a chiropractor will be spent discussing how your pain is expressed. You will be examined physically and an x-ray will be taken. Before care can be recommended the presence of the cause of sciatica must be confirmed.

The piriformis muscle may be pinched resulting in inflammation. Another frequent cause is a subluxation of the spine. An accident can cause either of these reasons. Identification requires a careful and thorough evaluation. When chiropractic care is inappropriate, the client is sent to the appropriate health care provider.

When chiropractic care is recommended, it may indicate spinal adjustments, alternating applications of heat and cold and massage as being appropriate. A series of appointments will be used to administer one or more of these modalities. They are all non-invasive and drug-free which accounts for the increasing popularity of chiropractic care to alleviate pain.

There are thirty-three vertebrae in the spine. These small, hollow bones hold the spinal cord and all the nerve roots. They transmit signals that activate all bodily movement and function. When misaligned, they cause pressure against those nerve roots. Returning them to the correct alignment by adjusting them relieves that pressure. Alleviating the pressure alleviates the pain it causes.

That relief brings the pain to a tolerable level. The sciatic sufferer is able to resume a normal quality of life. Periodic follow-up care is recommended to maintain the improvement.

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