By Roxie Ocegueda

An Ellenville NY chiropractic office utilizes acupuncture much as the Chinese have since ancient times, to provide energy boosts, minimize colds and the flu, enhance fertility, aid in the regulation of blood pressure, and primarily - for pain elimination.

Although still a primary healing therapy in China, acupuncture is now just as prominent world wide. Chiropractors find it to be very effective for many of the circumstances addressed in their field. They utilize three different methods of this innovative technique: traditional approach, electro-therapeutic point stimulating, and acupressure.

The individual methods benefit patients in different ways. People who are afraid of needles are typically tended with electro-therapeutic point stimulation. In this non-invasive therapy, probes are used to transmit electrical currents of low frequency into specific trigger points of one's body. The intent is to jump start the connection between all areas of the body and the nervous system, improve circulation, relax contracted muscles, and to encourage the natural release of the natural pain relievers known as endorphins. A few sessions of ETPS provides significant results.

Acupressure works much the same as acupuncture, but involves using fingers rather than needles. When pressure is correctly applied to specific trigger points, blood flow may improve, tight muscles can relax, and one's life force energy - or chi - can be focused on the task of natural healing. For millennia, this technique has been an effective holistic means of soothing physical tension, easing back pain, and calming emotional stress. It can also be put towards slowing the signs of aging and wrinkles!

Traditional acupuncture involves inserting hair-thin needles at precise depths into key positions to help alleviate pain and attend a cache of health conditions, including those that cause nausea such as chemotherapy. People suffering migraines or tension related headaches may find this technique impressively effective. When done correctly, it is completely safe, delivering minimal side effects, and providing individuals with an alternative to pharmaceutical products.

Contact an Ellenville NY chiropractic office today, and see for yourself the many benefits of these ancient Chinese therapies.

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