Drugs Used For Treatment - Chemotherapy


By Veronica Carrillo

There are many different types of leukemia, but all are a malignant disease of the white blood cells of the body. The cause of all types is still uncertain. Each type is determined by the specific blood cell involved and the length of time the illness lasts. Leukemia exists in both an acute ad chronic form: it is detected when the blood is examined. When the cell group known as the lymphocytes is affected, the disease is called lymphocytic leukemia. When the monocytes are involved, it is known as monocytic leukemia. And when the polymorphonuclear cells are involved, it is called myeloid leukemia.

The myeloid form attacks a younger age group than the lymphocytic. These two types are the ones seen most commonly, but almost all of what is noted here applies to leukemia in general. Leukemia is more common in males than in females. The outcome of the disease depends upon the type, and whether it is in the acute or chronic form.

The National Cancer Institute currently predicts that stomach cancer will be diagnosed in over 21,000 American men and women in 2010 and will cause over 10,000 deaths. The lifetime risk of stomach cancer is 1 in 113. Of men and women born today, 2.41% can expect to be diagnosed with urinary bladder cancer during their lifetimes. That's 1 in 41 people. Almost 71,000 American men and women are diagnosed annually with bladder cancer and over 14,000 of these bladder cancer cases prove fatal.

In the lymphatic form there is almost always swelling of the lymph glands. Sometimes the patient complains of pain in the abdomen in the area where the spleen lies. This is because that organ enlarges as the disease progresses. There is evidence of hemorrhaging - the patient bleeds from the mouth and develops blood spots under the skin. Weakness becomes more severe and the patient develops anemia.

Complications. Because of the diminished resistance of the patient, he is subject to complications from secondary infections. Another serious problem is hemorrhage, frequently into the intestinal tract. Or it may involve any organ system.

Prevention. There is no way to prevent the onset of leukemia. There are many courses of treatment available which can prolong the life of the patient and even permit him to carry on his normal activity. Care must be taken to avoid secondary infection. There is no known cure, but with new research the outlook for patients with this illness continues to improve.

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