Seek Instant Medical Help For Cough


By Jennifer Huang

When you have common flu, you are often afflicted with painful cough and sore throat. These symptoms should not be ignored and one should consult a doctor immediately and get these properly treated.

The defence mechanism of the body causes coughs to clear the passage of air in the throat which prevents appropriate air flow to the lungs. They are not just an outcome of physiological complications but can also occur due to psychological reasons. The former is caused when the cough results from external irritants like dust, cigarette smoke, environmental pollutants etc or because of a medical disorder. As for the coughs triggered by psychological reasons, it is generally a habitual problem known as Streruphilia, which is totally mental and not caused because of any physical disorders.

Cough can often be a chronic problem with identifiable characteristics and can also be serious based on how painful and persistent the symptoms are. Acute coughing problems which continue for not more than 3 weeks at a stretch can be caused because of both infectious and non-infectious diseases. Complications such as pneumonia and infections in sinuses result in acute coughing while chronic ailments like asthma trigger chronic coughing problems.

It is essential that you visit a doctor and get a proper diagnosis of the root cause and severity of your cough diagnosed so that proper treatment can be prescribed. Physicians prescribe various kinds of medicines to suppress the symptoms of cough and pain like antihistamines, antibiotics and other suppressants. In many chronic cases where patient suffers from persistent cough, the treatment or therapy can even stretch for months to be able to cure the problem.

As with any other ailment, prevention of cough is always more sensible than having to cure it later when you become badly affected by it. Positive lifestyle changes can keep you away from cough related problems and for that you should give up smoking and take a good, balanced diet.

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John Carmack said...

Informative and nicely written, I agree If you are suffering from common cold or flu, and bouts of cough are causing you pain and soreness of throat or resulting in other serious health complications, you need to seek medical help without delay.

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