By John Saparo

A person having a total hip replacement surgery, not only will have to prepare for the actual operation but also the necessary rehabilitation that will be needed as a part of the hip replacement recovery process.

The advanced technologies and practices in the professional medical field have ensured that hip replacement surgery along with the recouperation procedures and time are more patient-friendly. Patients undergoing hip replacement surgery are usually inspired to start hip replacement recovery as soon as possible. In many cases due to the way this surgical procedure has been modified over the last few years, a hip replacement patient usually starts the recovery process the very next day.

The recovery strategy contains a few minor exercises that can be done by a patient while sitting in a chair. After some accommodation, the patient can perform some of the following initial rehab exercises ...

* Walking- Walking is usually the initial rehabilitation exercise a hip replacement patient is given. This is achieved with the aid of a walker or other form of support device such as crutches. The patient is expected to have some primary pain when beginning rehabilitation, and so he or she is monitored while doing their exercises, and when the pain is at a point where is becomes debilitating their session will be ended.

* Climbing- Right after the first day, the patient will then begin the process of climbing up steps as part of their recovery process. The physical therapist under the instruction of the physician, who performed the procedure, will have instructions as to the limitations of the patient. This is so that the affected individual will not have any undue stress placed upon the replaced hip joint too soon.

A patient can return home after a few days of surgery and treatment processes. The patient will have some post operative instructions to conform to after they are back in their homes. Of course they will additionally be given some pain remedies as they may be needed. The medications may consist of Coumadin, or just a more powerful, more potent form of aspirin or other such pain reducer.

The best factor of hip replacement process is that generally people can return to normal life, can walk or swim without any aid, and lead a healthy life.

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