By Pamela Graham

Your body contains a number of "blank slate" cells that can become other cells; which cell they become depends on the environment they are placed in. If stem cells are placed inside a joint, they can become cartilage cells; if placed on a nerve, they can become nerve cells. This means that, for people with damaged joints, spinal discs, nerves or other tissues, stem cell treatment center IN may provide the answer to pain and dysfunction from within their own bodies.

These cells have the ability to develop and distinguish into any genre of cell in the body. These cells are infused into the affected and damaged areas of the body, they refurbish themselves into new cells and self-renew them. These cells can transform themselves into blood cells or nerve cells and even muscle cells.

There are numerous stem cell therapies that are prevalent today, but most of them are at various stages of experiment and are exorbitant. Although one noteworthy success achieved through the this therapy is the bone marrow transplantation. As per the recent study in medical science, researchers predict that cancer can be treated through the adult embryonic cells.

The stem cell therapies can cure fatal diseases like diabetes mellitus, Heart Attack patients, and critical neurological disorders. It is also known for curing Parkinson's disease and stages of Huntington's disease. Treatment for muscle damage and numerous others.

Currently this therapy is used to cure fatal stages of Cancer. This is done through the bone marrow of one's own body or using the cells of one's own umbilical cord blood stem cells. This is more applicable in the treatment of Blood Cancer that is caused due to abnormal increase of the white blood cells in the body.

With the advance research and study of the Stem cell in Medical Science, this therapy can be also used to cure serious diseases such as Brain damage, loss of hair, various types of cancer, injuries related to the spinal cord, cardiac related problems, vision impairment and deafness. Other issues those are common such as the missing tooth, healing of the wounds, diabetes. The most common problem that working g couple faces these days is infertility and orthopedics.

This method of treatment can cure many critical diseases such as Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes Mellitus and Autism. Enhancing the quality of life: There are still many queries and inhibition on uses & functions of stem cells, which science has not yet been able to answer.

Today curing various stages of fatal diseases is made possible with the advancement in the research of application of the therapy. It has revolutionized the approach towards treating various cardiac related problems. However it has also led to rise of many doubts and concerns on the possibility of side effects, conditions of the patient to undergo this therapy, which genre of cells is used and in what quantity. How do these cells regenerate in the body? What is the age of these cells until which they are active in the body, does it also require perpetual replacement of the old cells with the new cells? What safety and precautions measures are taken while treating a patient is there any potential risk in the use of the stem cells?

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