By Lance Thorington

So, what can chiropractic care do for you? The most obvious answer is to relieve back pain - this is what chiropractors are known for and, indeed, something they are well trained in. However, chiropractic care has many other benefits.

First of all, chiropractors are holistic doctors. That means they look at the entire body as a system rather than specific symptoms. Now, obviously, chiropractic care does not eliminate disease, but a well trained chiropractor is also trained in nutrition and can help give advice on diet and supplementation. They also commonly help with therapeutic exercise, especially for individuals with chronic pain or athletes recovering from an injury. Most NFL teams have a chiropractor on staff full time to help with the inevitable injuries that come from playing this high impact sport.

Overall good health relies heavily on proper spine care. In the most severe circumstances, spinal injuries have the potential to cause permanent paralysis because the neural network travels right through the center of the spinal column. Even lesser dysfunctions like herniated discs and misalignment, can cause an individual to experience issue in other body parts such as their extremities, head, or back, because of putting pressure on certain nerves.

Receiving a chiropractic adjustment is an effective way to address spinal dysfunctions and restore energy flow. This action can provide relief for pains that one might not normally associate with the spine such as tension headaches that occur chronically. These are often caused by a misalignment in the neck, which can also result in aches an discomfort in the arms, shoulders, and other areas.

Using chiropractic care to deal with pain issues reduces your dependence on drugs, which can have side effects and are generally not good for the body in the long term. Also, the holistic approach helps keep the entire body in balance.

Even those not currently suffering chronic pain could experience positive results from preventative chiropractic care, such as better energy balance and general health.

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