Information On Infertility Stress

By Adrian Logan

Infertility is considered as one of the most stressful situation that any couple has to go through. The treatments for it can contribute to the stress that the couple goes through. Just by knowing that the treatment can add stress, the couple get more stress and it can worsen their chances of getting pregnancy.

What are the various reasons behind infertility stress?

Firstly, it can stem from being initially diagnosed as being infertile in the first place. Many couples try having intercourse for some months or at least a year (of course, unsuccessfully) before they get frustrated and seek the advice of a fertility specialist. And when said specialist diagnoses either partner - or both in some cases - as being infertile, one or both could very well end up feeling depressed and inadequate.

Secondly, further stress can be added to the couple who has decided to undergo infertility treatments. Such treatments can prove exceedingly and prohibitively expensive depending on the treatments required.

And the process itself of having to go in and out of doctors' waiting rooms and hospitals, among other places, waiting with bated breath for results can surely add more stress on top of the existing stress,

Thirdly, the stress can be added from the lovemaking itself. Many couples may not be able to get past the fact that they are unable to bear children normally.This can make things very hard for them because they may have to make recourse to more medical procedures if they are unable to consummate the sexual act.

In addition, sex may feel forced and even something of a chore for the couple, since they would have to be doing it according to a schedule and in order to produce children instead of simply enjoying one another and/or giving each other pleasure.

In addition, men will feel emasculated and feel that they are responsible if they are unable to produce babies with their wives. Having to undergo fertility treatments may be even more demeaning for them. And since men have to produce semen in doctors' offices, learn that they might have low sperm count or have erectile problems, all these can prove extremely embarrassing to them.

It is extremely important to consider how the couple responds to such stress in the first place. Some can simply take it in stride and be positive even in the face of potential failure; others can be negative right at the outset even if the future for them might not be so bleak, and immediately contemplate having to adopt children while agonizing over how unfair things seem to be, and so on and so forth. This can result in a drastic lowering of self-esteem for couples and individuals.

As a consequence, infertility can result in many couples being placed under extreme strain. Many couples buckle under this strain, and many of them end up breaking up. Others, though, end up learning from this experience and end up stronger couples even if they are proven completely infertile.

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