An Allergy Treatment Albuquerque To Relish

By Shawna Fletcher

A lot more people are suffering with breathing problems these days. Allergens are uncountable, existing all around us in the environment and even right at home such as pet dander and some types of food. Allergy treatment Albuquerque go a long way to helping sufferers live with their allergies.

Allergic reactions can be weak and pass quickly such as a little sneezing, a mils rash or a few spots. They can also be lethal. An allergic reaction to nuts for example can cause swelling in the throat that can cut out air and make breathing hard. Asthma, another reaction that makes breathing strained, can also be fatal.

While this medication does work, repeated use may make the body used to the drug necessitating the use of more or stronger drugs over time. The medication may also cause side effects that users would rather avoid. It is for this reason that researchers took the holistic route to try and find an allergy treatment that would be effective but have no side effects or that the body would become accustomed to over time.

Antihistamines are effective in controlling allergies but they present problems as well. They need to be used continually, that is every time an allergic reaction occurs in fact and with time, the body becomes resistant. It becomes necessary to use stronger medicine or more of it. There may also be side effects that the users would want to avoid.

The treatment is also an all-natural one and so far has been reported to work very well. It is able to treat a broad range of allergies; pet hair, food allergies such as to dairy products and nuts, mold and many other allergens. The remedy is based on xanthones and it was discovered after a good three decades of research.

They are a unique category of antioxidants whose molecular structure is the kind referred to as double bonded carbon. The way xanthones work can be compared to the way a key fits a lock. These nutrients have a skeleton structure as well as side chains. Every side chain in a single xanthone is able to tackle a precise problem in the body, much like a key does into a lock and releases it.

The basic xanthone has 42 variations which makes it 20 to 30 times more powerful than single nutrients and antioxidants. It is therefore capable of treating a number of allergies in the same person. Doctors are now prescribing this allergy treatment first and only giving alternative treatment if the condition keeps recurring.

allergy treatment Albuquerque

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