Facts About Teeth Whitening Hydrogen Peroxide

By Shawna Fletcher

Over the counter toothpastes, disinfectants, and mouthwashes have used teeth whitening hydrogen peroxide as a bleaching agent for some time now. Smiling and laughing isn't the same with a discolored smile caused by smoking or certain food and drinks. Rather than expensive over the counter methods and dental bills, try this homemade solution that has proven itself safe and effective for others.

A popular home remedy combines simple baking soda with the solution to make a type of paste. It helps to flavor the mixture with mint toothpaste, and a pinch of salt gives it a slight abrasive texture much like toothpaste. A three percent solution also makes a good post-brushing mouthwash. This is not the quickest method, but it does work over time.

This solution is actually a weak acid that traditionally appears in many cleaning products such as toothpastes and bleaching gels. At a three to ten percent mixture its oxidizing properties work as a bleaching agent. Some people report discomfort or slight burning sensations around the gums when using it, but these usually subside once the solution has been washed out.

Television and movie celebrities have the benefit of airbrushing and Photoshop to make their smiles especially bright on magazine covers. No smile is one hundred percent white, but bleaching can help to restore some brightness to yours. Some food, drinks, and cigarettes contain dyes and chemicals that can discolor teeth over time, and bleaching removes a small amount of stained enamel to reveal the lighter color underneath.

This same bleaching mixture is used in over the counter trays, cleaning strips, and gels. Though these have a more lasting effect and taste better than a homemade solution, they can often prove expensive. The same is true for regular appointments for bleaching with a local dentist, who may use similar agents or lasers. Homemade bleaching is a more natural and affordable alternative for many.

Though consumers should be careful to read all safety and warning labels on the bottle, The American Dental association approves the use of homemade bleaching products for regular use. Prolonged sensitivity should be reported to a dentist, and consumers should never ingest bleaching products as they can cause lingering stomach problems.

Try this homemade remedy for a brighter smile. It is a wonderful alternative to expensive over the counter bleaching products or time consuming dentist appointments. Homemade toothpastes and mouthwashes work well with teeth whitening hydrogen peroxide if mixed correctly and not ingested.

teeth whitening hydrogen peroxide

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