Choosing The Best Hemorrhoids Treatment For You

By Alana Vaughn

Perhaps millions of people suffer from various symptoms of hemorrhoids, and they're still trying to nail down the best way to get a handle on the situation. It's normal to feel frustration and possibly anger as you try your best to find something that will have a positive effect. You may or may not know that hemorrhoids can be treated in numerous ways, but you need to find the method that not only works but is according to your personal tastes. We'll talk about a number of effective paths to hemorrhoids treatment, and then hopefully you'll have a clear path ahead of you.

If you're open to alternative treatments, then you should know about the use of apple cider vinegar for treating hemorrhoids. Of course it's what is considered a home remedy, but it has long been proven to work for a number of conditions including hemorrhoids. Some of the healing, or treatment, uses for apple cider vinegar include anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial applications. All you need to do is add a small amount to water and drink it daily to treat yourself. While there are some folks who will advocate applying topically; we advise against because some have reported feeling irritation with the direct application.

Another way to cure hemorrhoids is to apply an ice pack to your anal area. This is something you will have to do several times every day for ten or fifteen minutes at a time. This operates by using the same concept as putting the ice on an external wound because hemorrhoids are a type of inflammation that can be made to feel better by applying a cold pack. Putting ice in a small zip lock bag is one way to have this done. This is really a recommended treatment for those that have hemorrhoids that really hurt and are swollen because this method can reduce the swelling and pain very quickly.

If you have a hard case of hemorrhoids that do not get better with home or over the counter cures, you have to see your doctor. There are numerous medical treatments that you can get, but one easy and efficient one is called rubber band ligation. This is an outpatient medical process that can be done by your doctor in his office by placing a band an the hemorrhoid to cut off the circulation of blood. Once a few days have passed, both the rubber band and the hemorrhoid will be thrown out during one of your bowel movements. In some way or another, this is a risk free and efficient treatment that has been utilized for many centuries.

Those who suffer from painful hemorrhoids need to get fast relief which is totally understandable. You should not waste any time with this condition because the sooner you act, the sooner you can get relief. You can try methods until you're happy, or of course you can go see your doctor for an effective prescription. There's really no good reason why you need to endure the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids considering all the different treatments available.

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