Facts About Mouth Guards

By Nicole Hutter

When you are a part of any kind of sports, a mouth guard could be a very essential method to protect your teeth. Individuals instantly think of mouth guards in football and boxing, however they are equally important in some other sports just like baseball, gymnastics as well as fencing. In such sports, major injury to the mouth and teeth can occur, which may be avoided or greatly minimized by using a mouth guard as suggested by many dental experts much like the Richmond dentist.

A fairly easy solution would appear to be a generic mouth guard bought in a department or sports supply store. These mouth protections are often reasonably priced and readily obtainable, but are not going to offer much protection to your mouth and teeth. In addition, their generic design implies it might be difficult to breathe or talk while wearing them, because they don't match the individual shape of your mouth. They're also not advised for usage along with brackets or some other corrective dental appliances.

The next step up is a "boil and bite" mouth guard. While still fairly generic, the boil and bite mouth guard allows for some personalization. It consists of a plastic tray filled with a gel-like substance. The full mouth guard is boiled in water to soften the gel and then you bite into the gel to make a unique impression of your own teeth. This kind of mouth guard works better than the generic kind, but still doesn't offer the best available protection for your mouth. It also can still make it difficult for the wearer to breathe and speak during use and for any kind of sports; you'll want to be sure breathing is unobstructed and comfortable.

The best kind of mouth guard is one that has been custom-designed for you by a dental professional such as Richmond dentists. Since it is made for you and only you, it offers the best level of protection and can also be designed to help guard brackets or other corrective appliances you may have. It would feel like a pricey option, but in the long run it's going to be less expensive compared to correcting damage done to your teeth if your mouth is hurt during a sports event.

This kind of mouth guard is constructed from a mold your dentist like Richmond dentists takes of your teeth. The process is relatively simple, and the resulting product is much more comfortable than any store-bought counterpart, allowing for easier breathing and talking while the mouth guard is in use.

For comprehensive details regarding what mouth guard is right for you, check with your dentist such as your Richmond dentist. Protecting your teeth is well worth the investment.

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Anonymous said...

Great post!

mouth guards said...

Some people do ignore precaution thinking that they will not get hurt and that sometimes its too late to realize and we're just going to regret. Don't take the risk of accidents, get your personal mouth guards for your mouth's protection. Don't lose your jaw!

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