Help Your Immune System With Yoga

By Jack Wogan

We all enjoy the benefits of progress more or less. There are trains, cars and planes that can take us wherever we wish quickly and comfortably, there are ways to make food taste great and our homes are filled with gadgets which make life easier. We also enjoy the dark side of progress: the appearance of stress, unhealthy food and of an increased number of allergies and phobias. One thing which speaks for itself is the fact that according to statistics more children have allergies now than they had ten or twenty years ago. Maybe playing in the dust and tasting rocks was just a way to familiarize our bodies with the types of bacteria which live around us, so that it would be prepared to face threats when they appear.

In the context of the stress, bad food and modern diseases our immune systems are highly overworked and that is obvious because we tend to be send into bed by simple seasonal flu. Although there are medicines able to cure all existing diseases they also have unpleasant or dangerous side effects. When their positive action and their negative one are equal people turn to alternative means of curing themselves such as acupuncture, the natural pharmacy and yoga.

Yoga is not a sport and it doesn't help only the muscles strengthen and become elastic. It is an ancient discipline which is about the right move channeling the energy of your body towards improving the functioning of the organs. When you are sick it will help you go through it easier and when you are fine it contributes to boosting your immune system. With yoga a seven days' flu will only become a three days' discomfort.

There are specific poses which are able to help the immune system. They need to be held for a certain period of time to become effective. The basic principle of these is that the head needs to be lower than the heart. This clears the paths of the lymph which can travel easier and offer you an accurate immune response whenever you need it.

It is just a matter of genetics the way we are able to face differently the same health threats, when we are surrounded by seasonal flu, allergies, a polluted environment and we have little time for personal care. If you are tired of being afraid of the cold season with the dripping nose, the coughing and the sneezing or if you simply want to do yourself a favor you need to spend a vacation in one of the yoga retreats UK. The Omkara Retreats are meant to be oasis of silence and peace where you will find your mental and physical strength.

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