By Robert Baker

For the longest time there has been a long time debate about which species of animal makes a better pet, cats or dogs? For several people, there is a huge range of why they prefer one over the other. Reasons may be allergies, a bad experience, or just personal preference.

There are several advantages or disadvantages to having a pet in general, let alone a pet of a specific species which needs certain things in order for it to live a happy life. When you own an animal it is important to know what kind of environment they respond best to, as well as the kind of treatment they require. Some things must be thought of before purchasing an animal, such as what they naturally do, for example, felines instinctually sharpen their nails, this may take place on your carpet of furniture.

However there are also great things about the feline species. Felines are naturally curious, but not to the extent of that of a canine. Canines typically lack the common sense of that of a feline, seeing as how they will try and get into anything. Pursuing this further, dogs have taken getting into things they are not supposed to, to the next level. Some dogs have been recorded as eating several things that are life threatening, such as poisons, or even rocks!

Some of the things you need to consider when buying a feline is the fact that they require a litter box that will need to be cleaned or else there will be an overwhelming smell of ammonia and defecation. However, canines typically need to be taken outside to relieve themselves; some smaller canine species been trained to use a small training pad, which is commonly called the pee pad which can be used to let pups use the bathroom inside. The pad, however, cannot be left sitting for much longer than a couple minutes after it is used because they are only made for one time uses.

Also, canines have much more energy than most other animals, making it important to exercise and play with your dog everyday. These types of animals are best for people who have an active lifestyle because a dog will easily fit into your work out schedules. Small places are not good for canines because they start to go a little crazy with all their built up energy.

Cats or dogs? That has been a long time question people have been asking for a very long time. There are advantages and disadvantages to having both, yet people still find it in their heart to find a great deal of love for them. Which would you prefer; maybe that is something you should ask yourself.

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