4 Little Known Treatments for Sciatica

By Leroy Lombard

Sciatica is probably one of the most painful and frustrating things somebody must deal with in their life. The agony can hit your hips, back, or legs and make doing even the most simple things excruciatingly difficult. Suddenly straightforward stuff like going in to work or enjoying a weekend with your friends or family becomes a near-impossibility. But here are 4 easy, but little known things you can do to help dump your sciatica and get back to living again.

First, try acupuncture. Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese practice of adjusting how energy flows through the human body with pins and needles. The concept states, that when your energy isn't balanced, pools of energy will collect in specific areas of the body and they can manifest themselves as discomfort, such as sciatica.

By placing pins in you, the acupuncturist helps to release areas of blocked or stagnant energy to assist in easing your pain. I know this might be a bit "out there" for some individuals, but I've heard success stories from folk claiming that acupuncture cured everything from their allergies to rheumatism.

Secondly, try homeopathy. Homeopathy is the science of using natural drugs to treat problems like sciatica. Homeopathic physicians say that modern medication focuses too much on treating symptoms and not enough on addressing the factors behind a condition.

This leads modern medicine to rely on artificial drugs with dodgy side-effects such as Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAID's) like ibuprofen or aspirin, which could result in issues like internal bleeding and hemorrhaging if taken for long periods.

Natural medicine, instead relies on natural herbs and different kinds of medication such as willow bark to help alleviate discomfort, which is much safer, and as it seems, is really much more effective too.

Thirdly, change your eating habits. If you are like most of us, you probably know you should be eating better, but did you know that your diet can actually cause serious inflammation and that by eating different foods, you might be able to fix your sciatica?

Foods that contain raised quantities of trans fats, saturated fats, and have a high glycemic index tend to result in soreness because your body sees them, on some level, as a kind of mild toxin. You will find these things in red meat, pasteries, sweets, and many fast foods.

On the other hand, foods loaded in vitamin D, Omega 3 acids, and anti-oxidants can actually help with reducing inflammation. You can find these nutriments in foods like salmon, walnuts, blueberries, and other fruits.

Fourth, resolve bottled up emotions. Remember the last time you were actually stressed out about something such as a deadline at work? I bet you probably started to feel tense and stiff in your shoulders and neck because of that stress. Changing your eating habits can be difficult, but if you study personal developoment, you can find making changes easier.

Our bodies are actually superb at storing emotions in them. These emotions can manifest themselves as pain or other physical conditions if you keep hold of them long enough.

Take a while to relax and get in contact with your emotions. Stop bottling them up and get in the practice of expressing them. After you let go of them and absolutely feel them you won't have any need to store them in your body any longer.

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