By Jerry Clements

Hemorrhoids are inflamed veins in the anal sphincter area. Main cause of hemorrhoids is prolonged or regular increased pressure to anal veins that often result in blood vessels to enlarge and regularly to become inflamed.

Common pile symptoms are anal ache or pain, in particular when sitting; pain when bowel is moving, bright red blood when going to toilet, and itching in rectal area.

Doctors often easily diagnose hemorrhoids, simply by observing the anal area. In a number of cases additional analysis is necessary, such as sigmoidoscopy or anoscopy .

There are certain things that one must know to prevent hemorrhoids. Almost all of the prevention measures are related to dieting habits.

The simplest way to prevent hemorrhoids is to avoid bowel obstruction. Hemroids happen when constipation leads to excess force on lower anal veins and as a result veins become enlarged and inflamed, making hemroids. To avoid constipation, make sure you maintain soft stool. Straightforward, but effective way is to eat a lot of of vegetables and fruit to maintain enough fiber in your body. You may consider fiber supplements, for example Psyllium or ground flaxseeds .

Another crucial element in preventing hemroids is to drink sufficient amounts of water. Water helps digestive system and softens stool. Water also helps to releases toxins from the body and keep the healthy body balance. Ensure you drink just water, not sugary juices or sodas. Such beverages are, actually one of the participatory elements to constipation.

Many studies,eg buy Hemorrhoid Miracle review list a number of other things that could well lead to hemroids. Among them is too much weight and pregnancy. Additional weight puts addition pressure to lower veins and, like constipation, may result in rectum veins to bulge.

In summary, by eating healthy and balanced foods and handling weight one can simply prevent hemorrhoids for the rest of the life.

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