By Son Zak

A diagnosis of mesothelioma can be devastating to the patient, as well as the family. This insidious form of lung cancer differs from other lung cancers in that it is caused by unprotected exposure to asbestos. Even worse, mesothelioma takes years, even decades, to manifest. This means that workers, who were exposed to asbestos as long as 50 years ago, may be experiencing newly developed symptoms that bring about the dreaded diagnosis.

Since its beginnings, Philadelphia has shared in the industrial boom that was also experienced elsewhere in the state of Pennsylvania. And, with this growth of industry also came the frequent use of asbestos as a building and insulating material. As workers came into contact with asbestos, the tiny fibers infiltrated their lung tissues and remained unnoticed for the many years that transpired until the symptoms of mesothelioma began to manifest. As the decades have passed since, an increasing number of those who worked in asbestos are coming forth as having been diagnosed with mesothelioma. These former workers have legitimate claims for compensation that should be pursued only by legal counsel who possess the knowledge, experience and expertise to litigate mesothelioma cases to the fullest extent allowable by law.

Finding the best mesothelioma attorney in Philadelphia can seem difficult at the onset, as the city abounds with lawyers with various levels of specialty. The importance of hiring a Philadelphia lawyer who specializes in cases of mesothelioma cannot be overstated. The volume of cases that have been filed against these former employers has resulted in legislation being passed in an effort to ease the congestion that has ensued in the city's legal system. Only an experienced attorney, whose focus is strictly on mesothelioma cases in Philadelphia, can help the patient and his family navigate the complexities of the law and procure the maximum award payable for these victims.

As the search for the best asbestos-related injury lawyer in Philadelphia proceeds, certain criteria should be given utmost consideration: (a) The lawyer must be very familiar with mesothelioma and the manner in which it affects not only the patient, but the patient's family; (b) The lawyer should be experienced in filing all claims, supporting documentation, and other matters conducive to the claim; (c) The lawyer should be proficient in calculating and requesting sufficient compensation in the claim to take care of the patient's future expenses; (d) The lawyer should be willing to travel to the patient's home for consultations; (e) The lawyer should never charge any up-front fees, and should only work on a contingency basis. This means that if no monetary rewards are granted, the patient pays no attorney fees. The lawyer only earns money if the client is granted an award and the lawyer's fee is based upon a percentage of the award.

Sometimes the most difficult aspect of finding the best mesothelioma attorney in Philadelphia is knowing where to start. One of the best places to begin the quest is with the Pennsylvania State Bar Association. While they cannot recommend any attorney's services over another, they can provide a list of attorneys who are in good standing with the bar association, as well as provide information as to the specialty of the practice.

Upon obtaining this list of Philadelphia attorney names, the next step is to research the names to determine how many cases each attorney has successfully represented, and the amount of each award that was granted to the plaintiff.

The best source is irrefutably word of mouth from others who have sought compensation through legal recourse. In order to find these individuals, one may try searching online, or the Yellow Pages for a nearby mesothelioma support group in Philadelphia. These groups are excellent resources for information to help mesothelioma sufferers find the best mesothelioma attorneys in Philadelphia. In fact, some such support groups offer online tools to help the patient research his options from the comfort of his own home.

Just as there are attributes of a good mesothelioma attorney in Philadelphia, there are some unfavorable traits that, if observed, should be an indicator that the attorney is not a good choice to handle the claim. One such trait is that of promises of monetary rewards. Until the case can be properly assessed, investigated, and all considerations studied, it is impossible to guarantee a specific monetary award. An attorney who speaks quickly of a specified amount is most likely one that has a tendency to push through standard claims for the same amount on each claim. A good mesothelioma attorney will assess each case individually to determine the merit of the case. A process for investigation and discovery should take place before any monetary amounts are suggested.

Another possible red flag may appear if the patient notices that the attorney does not specialize in mesothelioma cases, but has a general law practice that represents cases dealing with such matters as divorces, wills, adoptions, and other non-asbestos damage issues. This is not to suggest that a general practice attorney is substandard. It is just highly unlikely that a lawyer, whose practice is not specialized in this way, would be apprised of all pertinent legal and legislative updates concerning the issue of asbestos-related injuries and the protocol for litigating them.

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