By Jorel Tuyor

Carpal Tunnel is a common work related injury involving a pinched nerve causing tremendous discomfort. Pinching occurs as a result of repetitive activities including typing and pushing. The syndrome can lead to painful symptoms, but support from the Richmond Hill chiropractor can prevent debilitating results and facilitate recovery.

CTS is characterized by symptoms of pain, tingling, numbness, and poor grip strength. The practitioner will perform an assessment to determine whether the pain is originating from the hand or index fingers to identify the damaged nerve. It is important to seek early intervention to allow for a fast recovery.

The chiropractic adjustment offers a significant benefit for relief from symptoms that are experienced in the hands and the wrist. The nervous system is balanced and the pressure placed on the dysfunctional nerves relieved. Numbness and tingling that develop from irritated nervous tissue can be eliminated and normal range of motion achieved.

An x-ray can aid in determining the extent of the injury. Swelling and ongoing pain can be addressed with the use of a cold compress. Medication that is taken over a long term period is not advised and corticosteroid injections may be advised to minimize the experience of strain and debilitating symptoms.

Invasive surgery is necessary when conventional measures for symptom alleviation have failed. There are a number of risks associated with surgical intervention including painful scar tissue and the possibility that symptoms will return. The appropriate methods will be advised depending on the severity of damaged tissue.

The occurrence of CTS can be attributed to repetitive stress and alleviated by wearing a wrist brace to prevent engagement in such motion. It is important to decrease pressure on nerves, ligaments, and joints in this region to facilitate alignment. With recommendations by the Richmond Hill chiropractor, patients experiencing Carpel Tunnel can experience a state of relief from debilitating symptoms that impact on productivity and well-being.

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