By Tanisha Marsico

Whiplash pain can be extreme. It may begin within 24 hours of the time of the accident. Most often, a rear-end collision is to blame. Football injuries and even lifting a heavy object with a jerk can result in neck pain. Turning to the offices of Hermosa Beach chiropractic for pain alleviation sooner, rather than later, is a wise decision.

The pain does not always start within one day. It can begin two days later. The individual will notice stiffness and be unable to turn his or her head from one side to the other. It will also hurt to look up or down.

Blurry vision and headaches are frequently seen with whiplash. Some less common symptoms are memory problems and not being able to concentrate on anything. Tinnitus, a ringing in the ears, may be present. It can continue indefinitely and the constant ringing is difficult to tolerate.

Whiplash happens when the head is whipped backward and then forward. This is what occurs in a rear-end collision. It can occur in other ways, such as two football players colliding on the playing field. The ligaments and tendons in the neck are torn.

The first time you meet with the chiropractor, he or she will evaluate your condition. You will talk about how severe the pain is and whether it is sharp or dull. The neck will be palpated to determine where the tender spots are. Range of motion is tested as part of the assessment.

After a thorough evaluation, a plan for care can be formulated. It may include massage to relax knotted muscles in the neck and applications of ice for a few days. Ice is followed by applications of moist heat for the next few days after that.

Manual adjustments can be used to make certain the seven cervical vertebrae are correctly aligned. The primary goal is to alleviate pain, increase the range of motion gradually and return the client to work as soon as possible. Ways to prevent additional pain can be taught as well.

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