By Brenda Scott

There are people which love giving others gifts in order to show their appreciation for the help they got from them. They may be your colleagues, friends or relatives but could also be professionals that you want to acknowledge their great service. The gifts can be simple thank you notes, cards or letters or something you made or bought.

Some professionals though are having doubts if they would receive these gifts from their clients as they are afraid of its appropriateness ethically. They want to maintain professional boundaries and do not want them to get ideas that presents are necessary for receiving great services. This is specially true in medical field but here are several tips on what gifts for healthcare professionals are fine.

These items must be modest and appropriate for their particular medical field and consistent with your relationship with them. Giving wine for a therapist helping you with substance abuse is not good while presenting it to your cardiologist might be better. Another example is lingerie which is always inappropriate for someone not intimately close with.

Homemade items are an example of a possible gift which you could customize and personalize that depends on your preference. If you are not the most creative person in your family, you can ask your children or other family members to make it instead. Baked goods and homemade meals are under this type and everyone can appreciate a good food anytime.

Treating them to tea or coffee at the nearby cafe will be another way which you might show how much they are appreciated. They work very long hours and having breaks with a warm drink is nice particularly during colder days. An alternative is to give them packets of these beverages or gift cards redeemable at the nearby shop or cafe.

Putting a care package together is another option that can be somewhat ambitious though doable still. This may contain lip balms, gums, healthy treats, puzzle books and hand lotions or anything you can think about. Just fill them up with some useful small objects that could make them feel very appreciated even during their busy work day.

Handwritten notes in showing appreciation regarding everything they did is another way for you to say your thanks. Set aside some time for contacting their supervisor and manager and inform them o how good the professional is with their job. This is helpful in helping them get recognized by their company based on their great work performance.

Making charitable donations in their name is another option you can choose to show your appreciation so ask them if they are supporting any. Some companies also are supporting foundations already and you could donate there instead and choose the employee to name it from. The company will then recognize their employee and give them something like tokens.

But remember other companies have policies against their employees receiving gifts so inquire about this. Determine which are allowed so you can decide better on what to give them. Fruit, food and flowers are the safest option for presents though.

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