By Michael Cabunoc

Modern medicine has largely blunted the impact of bacterial infection, contagious microbes, and even malnutrition. Taking their place are various cancers and heart disease, the common scourges of modern life. A Michigan holistic doctor is one of thousands today recognizing how lifestyle, disease and the entire human organism are interrelated.

Underlying this concept is the idea that people can prevent illness by better managing their own health. Rather than the root cause of a problem, symptoms are viewed more as physical indicators. While still embracing medical advances, this approach also includes the effects of diet, mental health, and personal lifestyle in disease prevention.

Developing new drugs or surgeries to target a specific symptom is the currently accepted medical business norm. While that approach can be spectacularly successful, the whole-body concept is personalized, regarding each human being as a unique organism strongly affected by the interaction of physical activity, social habits, and environmental hazards.

Because that approach is not considered traditional, some fear that mixing spiritual and physical needs with standard medical practice is harmful. Rather than rejecting the scientific advances of the past century, it seeks to improve on them by helping people personally avoid known causative factors that encourage many common modern maladies.

Because the analysis of individual need plays such an important role in this approach, symptoms are confronted in a primarily non-invasive fashion. While surgery or drug therapies are sometimes still appropriate, holistic methods teach patients the importance of making the kinds of lifestyle modifications that encourage overall well-being.

When the human body is seen as a single system rather than unrelated parts, personal choices become more important. Understanding how this interaction works is one basis for disease prevention, and usually improves the quality of life. When disease does strike, understanding the associated emotion, physical, genetic and spiritual elements makes lasting recovery more likely.

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