By Vanessa Summer

When most individuals think about going green they think about making use of energy efficient light bulbs as well as recycling. These kinds of actions are something that is essential to do, but, it is not everything that needs to be done, in fact those strategies are just the beginning. You will find that the items we touch on in this article are things that people never think about when they hear the expression going green. However these are some great strategies people can use to have a more positive effect on our planet.

One of these kinds of things that people very rarely take into consideration is green building. Green building, is really a phrase that will actually have two separate meanings. Some individuals will develop a building that has the capability to generate more energy than it uses, and that is 1 definition of green building. Exactly how this is done is by making use of the sun and wind and transforming them into electricity for that building. By utilizing solar panels as well as wind turbines, buildings can be designed which will actually generate more electricity than the building will use every month. This is the very first meaning of green building.

The following way that individuals can explain green building is by constructing a building made out of only eco-friendly components. The truth is peoples old garments are now being recycled in to an insulation for homes and commercial buildings. This particular insulation is generally made out of old blue jeans but there are other clothing items that are used to create this insulation. Needless to say it does not end with insulation. There is also recycled glass to use for your windows and also wiring that's been recycled from metals. Another thing you can acquire that's been recycled is sheet rock for the walls. Additionally, your green building will be complete if you opt for lumber that has been harvested in an eco-friendly way.

One more thing individuals are beginning to discover more about is something which is known as green technology. Green technology are things like solar water heaters for your home as well as other types of solar power and also wind turbine energy. These green technology solutions are adaptable, that means they can be used in both home and commercial building. The best thing about green technology is the fact that it can save you a large amount of cash and obviously you are also helping the planet. We are also just scratching the surface when it comes to green technology, in time you will be able to discover many more sorts of green technology which in turn will wind up helping to protect our environment.

Electric vehicles are also an item which will fit into the green technology category also. I am not talking about the hybrid cars which operate on electric and gas, I am talking about 100% electric cars that run on batteries. Contrary to popular belief you can locate vehicles today that run on 100% electricity. Even though the cost of these vehicles turn people off immediately many of them never take in to consideration the reality that they are not going to be spending $75 a week on gas.

Saving water, recycling bottles and cans and even cutting back on electrical use is simply the beginning to going green. For those who really want to go all out, there are plenty of choices available. These kinds of green techniques, methods and merchandise we mentioned here could be a little bit more expensive initially, but you will save cash and help the planet out in the long run.

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