By Douglas Kidder

Snoring can be one of the noisiest bedroom invaders coming in the way of not just peaceful sleep but interrupting harmonious relationships also. This disorder calls for a few laughs in the initial phases, but with time, both the snorer as well as his or her partner are at their wits' end, how to stop snoring and sleep peacefully once again. Though there is no dearth of snoring remedies, not every snorer is able to find the most suitable one.

With so many solutions being readily available, why is it so tough to find the most appropriate one?

Having choices has its advantage and disadvantage. While it can make the job of choosing easier, it can also leave the solution seeker confused. This is true especially when one is not too sure of what the root of the problem is.

Likewise one can be perennially searching for solutions if one does not know what the exact causes of snoring are. To hit the target you need to know exactly why you snore.

Before you look for solutions find the root of the problem

One of the fundamental facts about snoring is that it happens when people can no longer breathe through their noses. This can happen due to nasal blockage which again can happen due to various factors. When the nasal passage becomes inoperative for breathing, the person is compelled to use the mouth for breathing. This is truly the reason why people snore.

Snoring happens during sleep. At this time, all the muscles of the body, including those responsible for breathing and located in the nose, throat, soft palate and uvula get relaxed. If the breathing muscles lack strength and toning, they might collapse and block the airway causing breathing distress. To top it all, when they vibrate due to wind pressure, they also create sufficient noise. The noise of vibration is also the snoring noise.

Reasons for nasal blockage could range from something as simple as common cold and allergy to more complicated factors like anatomical defects within the nasal cavity etc.

Some factors causing nasal blockage:

- Enlarged nasal turbinates

- Anatomical defects like deviated septum, crooked bone at the bridge of the nose

- Nasal polyps

Many lifestyle-related factors also cause blockage of the nasal pathway. These include consumption of excess amounts of alcohol and obesity. Wrong sleeping posture and insufficient pillow height are other two factors.

The most appropriate solution would invariably match the causes of snoring

You know you have hit the right solution when it counteracts the root of the problem. For instance, if the disorder is caused by obesity, weight loss is the solution. For wrong pillow height, raise the elevation and the problem could be a thing of the past. Similarly, changing the sleeping position helps.

However when the problem is caused by more complicated factors like deviated septum, etc, the doctor may advise surgery like septoplasty or somnoplasty to clear the nasal pathway.

One of the most unobtrusive snoring remedies is using anti-snoring pillows. But this solution is effective when the severity is between mild and moderate.

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