A Way To Take Care Of A Blind Pimple Effectively

By Alison Graham

A blind pimple looks somewhat like a boil because it does not come to a head and it stays beneath your skin's surface. It is usually red in color, has no pus and can vary in size. These blind boils are caused by overactive skin oil glands that lead to too much production of sebum. The skin is unable to handle this and the pores become clogged. The blocked pores attract inflammation causing bacteria which causes infections, causing soreness as well as redness. An effective blind pimple treatment is needed.

In this sort of pimple there isn't any head to allow pus brought on by the deep seated infection to drain. One of the most useful treatments for this type of pimple is the application of salicylic acid which can help release the sebum and debris clogging the pore. A wide range of creams and lotions can be found containing this component.

For successful removal of any blind pimple, you need to make it form a head. One way to do this is by using a cotton bud dipped in hot water placed against the affected area. Application needs to be repeated several times. If you are lucky, you may find that this blind pimple treatment removes the blemish completely, without it forming a head. Some natural home remedies can help with this, such as honey, which is famous for its anti-bacterial properties. Apply a little spot of honey to the surface of your skin with a clean fingertip.

If your pimple does not clear up and does not come to a head, you can assist this process by steaming your face over hot water as this will help the pores to open. Use a tissue over your fingers to allow you to firmly press on either side of the blemish without the fear of your fingers slipping. If it will not pop immediately, leave it alone and repeat the process the day after. Squeezing blemishes before they're ready can lead to skin damage.

As with just about any problem, it is always better to try to prevent it than to cure it. In order to prevent this type of blind pimple, you might need to take a look into the possible triggers more carefully. Eating healthily is a very important factor. Cut out the junk food and fatty, processed foods and replace them with fresh fruit and veggies, lean meat and lots of water. This will not only improve your skin but help you shed some weight and help you feel great too!

In addition to following these blind pimple treatment ideas, use gentle products on your skin, and try to go make up-free as often as you possibly can. Oil based cosmetics, perfumed soaps and harsh hair products can take their toll on skin and make it even more inflammed. If you have really sensitive skin, stick with a gentle facial wash and warm water and use a light, fragrance-free moisturizer.

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