By Lily James

The first couple of months of pregnancy is a vital period for fetal developments and drug abuse during that period can have a devastating effect on the kid's well-being. If the mother continues to utilize drugs (even prescription drugs in this case) for a long period, she might experience complications during child delivery and the poisons can get to the baby by means of placenta and put his life at an increased risk.

Therefore, this article aims to inform mums on drug addiction and its devastating effects faced by both mum and the child during pregnancy.

Raising Rates Of Prescription Drug Addiction At the time of Pregnancy:

A investigation conducted by an anonymous medical organization reveals that even the prescription medicines administered for pregnancy, if utilized in excessive quantities, can have hazardous health effects. A random website quotes that approximately 90% expecting mothers are exposed to some kind of medication addiction at the time of pregnancy and around 500,000 babies born every year over the world, encounter minor to severe psychological deformities due to psychoactive properties of drugs.

While few drugs are risky all throughout the pregnancy, others dangerous to just particular stages hence pregnant women should talk to their physicians before utilizing any over-the counter drug. If you would like to know more regarding drug abuse, you can check with a drug expert, local clinics or make contact with the professionals at national hotline number and through online websites.

A list of annoying drug abuse and addiction effects is stated here.

- Different drugs have different effects on the subjects. If you take the instance of Marijuana, this drug can slow down nervous system of the fetus, cause respiratory problems and cause poor growth. The drug causes accumulation of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the blood of both mom and the fetus, because of this they might show illnesses and behavioral concerns later on.

- Crystal meth deteriorates the functioning of important organs like spinal cord, brain, appendages and skeletal system. Similarly, heroin may slow down his growth rate, respiratory functions and brain development.

- Addiction to drugs like cocaine, PCP and LSD is very hazardous because they complicate fetal growth. They produce brain damages, prenatal stokes, hallucination, poor motor skills and even withdrawal symptoms in the infant.

Other Stimulants:

Aside from the drugs, stimulants such as alcohol and nicotine may induce similar devastating effects.

Smoking (whether active or passive) imposes critical respiratory concerns in the fetus. It can trigger fluctuations in his birth weight, oxygen circulation, cell respiration hence leading to premature fetal death. For that reason, gestating or nursing moms are especially requested to steer clear of the smoking zone.

Even alcohol consumption has no confirmed results on the fetus. There is absolutely no reported proof regarding what quantity of alcohol can impose hazards to the unborn fetus. Therefore, pregnant mums are strictly recommended to steer clear of alcohol or alcoholic eatables all throughout their pregnancy. Lastly, expecting women should consult their fitness professionals and dieticians for tips regarding their every day diet and overall fitness so as to ensure a safe and sound and easy delivery.

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