Letting Go Of A Sugar Addiction

By Maria M. Moller

For the past 150 years, scientists have identified carbohydrates/sugar - which elevates the fat-storage hormone Insulin - as the main cause of weight gain. Since the 1980s, Americans have consumed extremely large amounts of sugar, compared to previous decades. Accordingly, the U.S. obesity rate has doubled in the past 30 years, rising 17 percent in 1980 to 34 percent in 2007. Moreover, two-thirds (66%) of adults are now overweight or obese. Medical researchers have recently discovered that refined sugar may be as addictive as cocaine, heroin, and alcohol.Animal studies show that the brains of sugar-addicted rats undergo similar neurochemical changes as the brains of humans addicted to narcotics and alcohol.The addictive nature of refined sugar is likely the main reason that the rate of overweight Americans could rise to 75 percent by 2020, as predicted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. If trends continue, the U.S. obesity rate would be 100 percent by 2048, according to a 2008 study reported in the medical journal Obesity. As early as 2018, America's obesity rate will rise to 43 percent, says Kenneth Thorpe, Ph.D., Emory University public health professor.[
[Sugar Addiction]

Unfortunately, sugar addiction is likely the reason that Dr. Jon Robison, nutritionist Linda Bacon (author of Health At Every Size), and most other obesity researchers, agree that eliminating junk food from one's diet promotes long-term weight gain and/or dangerous eating disorders. Research shows that dietary restrictions result in 95 to 98 percent of people regaining ALL lost weight. In fact, within five years, 33 to 66 percent of people regain to higher weights!Fortunately, ground-breaking discoveries about the causes of obesity have led to 100% natural, permanent weight loss solutions (e.g. Sophy's Secrets), which even work for sugar addicts.The above recent discoveries show that sugar addicts can only achieve long-term weight loss by: 1) maintaining a low carb/sugar/chemical diet (i.e. low devitalized/acid waste/"obesogen" diet), and reducing exposure to environmental toxins (e.g. "carcinogens" found in cleaning products that make indoor air up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air), OR 2) eating whatever you want while regularly removing dietary and environmental toxins from the body and consuming fat-burning minerals that refined sugar has leached from the body.Such detoxification and nutrient replenishment is as simple as consuming capsules of herbal intestinal cleansers, tonic (i.e. bidirectional), liquified herbs, oxygenated water, and "subtle-energized" minerals as well as sniffing certain essential oils and replacing toxic household cleaners with a multipurpose one that's completely nontoxic yet highly effective.

Along with the sugar addiction, I struggled on and off with weight issues.Everything changed when I discovered what the underlying emotional issue was and how to deal with it. Now I know that a sugar/carb addiction can be healed by taking care of both physical and emotional issues.When we abandon ourselves by being unloving to ourselves - with self-judgment, ignoring our feelings, numbing them out with various addictions or making others responsible for us - we create a big empty hole inside. What this hole really wants is love - our love - but since we are abandoning ourselves, we are far from loving ourselves. The empty hole is very painful, and food - especially sugar and starches - works for the moment to fill the inner emptiness.

It is unrealistic to expect a sugar addiction to go away without learning how to fill that inner emptiness with love - the love that is always available to us from our spiritual source. So learning how to love yourself is vital to healing a sugar addiction and other addictions.The Physical Cause.The physical cause of a sugar addiction is about what is going on in your digestive system. If you have more beneficial intestinal flora than harmful flora, then you have a healthy gut and likely don't crave sugar. Unfortunately, there are many things in our modern society that destroy the healthy bacteria, leaving us vulnerable to the proliferation of unhealthy bacteria.Some of what destroys healthy bacteria:Processed foods are exactly what the term implies - they are not natural. Because they have been refined, many of the nutrients the body needs are destroyed, and unhealthy food-like products have been added, such as sugar, GMO-grown foods, heated oils which are extremely toxic for our bodies, preservatives, colors, and so on. All of these destroy beneficial flora.

Sugar destroys beneficial bacteria and feeds the toxic bacteria. This is why the more sugar we eat, the more we want it. As the toxic bacteria proliferate, they demand more and more sugar to flourish. The more they flourish, the more they create toxins that affect our organs and our brain, causing diabetes, cancer, heart disease and autoimmune diseases, as well as autism, ADD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and other mental disorders. (See "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" by Natasha Campbell-McBride, M.D. for a complete description of how all this happens).

Antibiotics not only destroy the harmful bacteria - they kill all bacteria, which leaves the gut vulnerable to harmful bacteria unless the beneficial bacteria are replaced with probiotics. Most other drugs also destroy beneficial bacteria. Factory-farmed meats, poultry and dairy products contain the antibiotics and hormones that are given to the cows and chickens, and the pesticides that are in their food. All of this destroys beneficial bacteria.Looking at this list, you can see why most people are suffering from a grave imbalance in their gut flora. If you want to heal a sugar addiction, you need to do healing work to restore the natural balance. Dr. Natasha's book teaches you how to do this. I encourage all of you who want to heal a sugar/carb addiction and attain health to read it.

Refined sugar entersthe body through enzyme-less processed food (i.e. practically everything sold in a box, can, or bag) and promotes weight gain because refined sugar has the following effects on the body:Leaches Minerals from Organs - Minerals are needed in the blood to balance the acidic effects of sugar/glucose. The bloodstream must be slightly alkaline at all times or death would occur within seconds. Elevated blood sugar leads to mineral deficiencies, which prevent fat-burning biochemical processes. Further, sugar/glucose spikes blood Insulin and Cortisol, which are hormones that stimulate the body to store fat.Feeds Harmful Bacteria that Create Havoc in the Body - Microbes cannot metabolize fat and thrive on sugar. Refined sugar weakens the immune system by leaching vitamins and minerals from organs. Strengthened by the sugar, bad bacteria can quickly multiply, leach vitamins and minerals from healthy cells, kill good bacteria, weaken the immune system, and colonize weak organs, which can lead to them becoming chronically diseased.Desensitizes taste buds to Flavors of Real Food - This leads to preferences for refined carbohydrates, which are converted into fatty acids by the liver and stored in FAT cells as saturated fat! Conversely, a high-fat and protein diet promotes fat burning and prevents diabetes and heart disease. Sugar molecules are the dietary cause of coronary heart disease and diabetes because unlike large, FAT molecules, sugar molecules are small enough to clog arteries. After sugar has led to clogged arteries, cholesterol can stick to these malformed arteries.

Leads to Hormone Imbalances - Refined sugar elevates Leptin, Ghrelin, Insulin, and Cortisol Levels. Too much Leptin and Ghrelin = increased appetite; too much Insulin and Cortisol = Stored FAT. This hormonal abnormality is linked to heart disease and affects 10 to 20 percent of women in their lifetimes. In spite of a low-calorie diet, people with this metabolism-lowering condition find it easier to gain weight and harder to lose it.Increases Appetite - A high-fat meal can provide energy for 16 or more hours while a high-sugar meal provides energy for only about 2 hours. Thus, a person must consume many more calories throughout a 24-hour period to maintain adequate energy levels.Lowers Energy - Refined sugar provides a short-term boost in energy. However, the body quickly releases Insulin, which rapidly lowers blood sugar levels, causing a sharp drop in energy and endurance. Refined sugar makes blood thick and sticky, reducing oxygen to cells, and inhibiting much of the blood flow into the minute capillaries that supply gums and teeth with vital nutrients. Also, reduced blood flow deprives mitochondria (the body's energy factories) of its preferred energy source - oxygen. Mitochondria can burn sugar for energy but then cells lose protection from bad bacteria and fungi, which cannot live in high-oxygen environments. In fact, Dr. Tullio Simoncini says cancer cells are simply human cells that have been invaded by fungi. He is the author of Cancer is a Fungus.Disrupts Brain Chemistry in a Way that Creates Cravings for Refined Sugar - Refined sugar affects the brain in a similar manner as narcotics. A person can become addicted to sugar's stimulation of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, opioid, and dopamine. The brain becomes increasingly unable to properly regulate hormones that control appetite and stimulate FAT burning.In general, the body craves refined sugar every two hours. If it's consumed, the mineral-leaching. immune-system-weakening. acid-waste-creating.disease-promoting.hormone-imbalancing. appetite increasing.energy-busting. FAT-storing.Refined Sugar Two-Hour Cycle begins again.Fortunately, the metabolic disturbances created by refined sugar can be reversed with 100% natural products (e.g. Sophy's Secrets ) that detoxify the body and replenish its nutritional reserves. Unfortunately, few people know about these products because highly effective, uncontaminated (i.e. no chemical toxins) weight loss products tend to be developed and manufactured by small, private firms and sold (usually online) through personal recommendations.

No One Size Solutions.A successful program designed for the purpose of sugar addiction help will be sure to include various degrees of recovery for different people seeking help with sugar addictions. The problem is that everyone needing help with this particular addiction is interested in an all out cold turkey diet free of all great sweet treats. For a treatment program to be successful it needs to offer different services to those who need a more or less strict sugar free existence. This allows those who have diabetes to leave all sugar behind while those who simply want to lose a few pounds to cut out some of the sugar in their diets. You will need to identify the solution you feel will work best for you.

If you are truly interested in receiving sugar addiction help then you should give some serious thought to NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and hypnotherapy or some combination of the two. The reason is that the hardest battle is the mental battle. You must literally change the way you think about food and sugar in order to have a successful diet of any kind. When you can begin to think of food as fuel for the body rather than some sort of treat or sweet reward, then you can begin to really enjoy sweet success of another kind all together.How does NLP help with a sugar problem? Because it addresses the problem specifically without wasting time analyzing the "why". Sometimes you can get so caught up in why you eat too much sugar that you forget to emphasize why you should not. NLP is about training your mind to behave in a new way. In this instance it would be to train your mind to avoid craving sugary foods and drinks that are bad for your health and your diet.

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