By Lorenzo Parker

There is an increase of awareness on low fat diet, low cholesterol food, the danger of heart disease and other cholesterol related health issues, all these drives people to think if their cholesterol is low enough. The question is how low is low enough? Is there a flip side to very low cholesterol level in the body?

Health care systems record ever increasing numbers of fatalities and hospital stays related to disorders that stem from inadequate blood circulation. And since cholesterol is at the center of the processes that accumulate into heart attack or stroke, medical professionals and patients have turned to solutions that promise to tackle it head on.

There are 2 forms of cholesterol, the bad one or low density lipoprotein or LDL; and the good one, the high density lipoprotein or HDL. The combination of both LDL and HDL cholesterol forms the total cholesterol in our body. In general, HDL should be at least 100mg/DL and total cholesterol of not less then 160mg/DL.

The bad cholesterol, LDL, is the one that forms a sticky layer around the arteries if not transport back to liver. HDL the good cholesterol is the transporter that brings excess LDL back to be metabolized.

While total cholesterol level is a guide to how much cholesterol is in the body, it is more important to know what makes up this level.

Apart from increasing the complexity and costs of the therapy, subjects who took both substances were at a greater danger, albeit marginally, of suffering from a stroke than those who only consumed niacin. The conclusion was that treatments need to be simplified.

Cholesterol is an essential part of the body and our liver produces and metabolized it. It is important because it is used for cell maintenance and the production of hormones. We all need cholesterol from the time we are born.

Breast fed baby tend to have higher cholesterol then formula fed babies. However, breast fed baby also adapt to metabolized cholesterol much better. The body adaptation brings benefit to adulthood as they are at lower risk of heart attack, stroke and other cholesterol related issues.

Secret #4 - Eat Oatmeal

This is due to the decrease level of serotonin or the "feel good" neurotransmitter in the brain, which is related to very low cholesterol level. One of the study even shows a drastically increase of risk to accidental death. There are some suggestion that certain form of cancer could be related to very low cholesterol level.

Taking a pill looks like a much less complex activity in comparison to eating better food, doing regular exercise or quitting smoking and other destructive habits. Its availability as a diet supplement also creates an urge to circumvent medical advice, which is never a good idea.

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