Be Careful While Purchasing Your Health Insurance Plan


By J.D Theis

You must have heard this famous quote by the great American writer Mark Twain "Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint". Well I am not really sure if the literary genius had the general trend of insurance companies deceiving people via fine prints in their policy documents which the unvigilant customers overlook. But if he did, then his words of wisdom come as a great caution in these deceptive times. Seriously, the instances of insurance firms and sometimes the health insurance agents taking the customers for a ride in the name of affordable health insurance are on a rise.

Generally, attractively cheap health insurance quotes are presented to the consumers who get lured by it and don't read in between the lines of the policy documents and sign up the agreement. It is only at the time of claim settlement that the consumer gets the real picture and in vain realizes how he has been entrapped. Further, he can't withdraw out of it al together by refusing to pay premium as he is bound by the contract. He has no other option than to continue paying the premium and when illness strikes, pay the cost of treatment also.

Am sure you don't want be a part of the success stories created by the fraudulent activities of these firms. So in order to get an affordable health insurance plan that is actually useful, check out the health insurance quotes from the reliable firms, the firms whose ratings on the A.M.'s index and S&P's index are not below B+.

Well another way to be sure of the reliability and usefulness of your affordable health insurance plan is to check out the health insurance quotes for the same at , the confluence of the best insurance experts in the country with whom the most reliable health insurance firms have aligned their process.

These firms are the best health insurance providers in the country and Insurance Care Direct generates health insurance quotes from the providers operating in your state so you have the all the advantages the company has to offer.

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By Anne-Marie Laureaut

What is Chakra According to the ancient Hindus?

A chakra is an axis point in the human body that receives, connects to and conveys life force energy. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means a continuously spinning wheel or sphere of mans aural energy. Although traditional Hindu writings assert that there are more than 88,000 chakra points in the entire human body, the most important of these chakras are the seven energy axis from the base of the spinal column to the top of the head.

Although there is no common denominator between the ancient Hindu and Chinese cultures, they are very similar in their interpretation and explanation about the role of these energy points in our health and lives in general. Both the Hindus and the Chinese look at the bodys major energy points as playing important roles in our conscious and subconscious experiences. And that these seven energy points are the keys to a healthy and successful life.

Chakras are defined in various ways but there is one common thread among all of the definitions and explanations whether from the Chinese medicine point of view, the Hindus mystical understanding of an individuals internal and external experience or modern psychologys explanation of human our consciousness and thought processes.

The chakra unceasing interaction with our body and the environment even during our sleep gives them a direct influence over our physical structure and appearance including our bodily processes, health and our emotions. A glitch of any one of the major chakras is an indicator that something is wrong with our physical/emotional health which may directly or indirectly be noticeable.

The reason for this is because each of the seven major chakras is linked to a corresponding endocrine gland in our body. Any imbalance in the function of a chakra affects our physical and emotional processes and manifests a disturbance in the usual pattern of activity or behavior through the endocrine gland linked to it.

Maintaining Chakra Balance Using the above as our starting point, we can then safely conclude that most of our major illnesses and ailments are chakra related. Although there may not be enough physical manifestations of the illness or imbalance (yet) there may be emotions and concerns from way back our childhood that affect us today physically, spiritually or emotionally.

Since not all of our illnesses may be physical, they can also be on the emotional level brought on by repressed incidents that brought us undue pain or disappointment during our lifetime to eating the wrong types of foods and being obese for example. Lack of self confidence and self esteem can also be considered an illness in the broadest term. Certainly, there is only one way to combat these illnesses and that is to remove their physical or emotional triggers from our system.

Advantages of Chakra Healing What most people are not aware of is that we have the resources to control and manipulate our energy points to our advantage. By knowing how to influence and manipulate the functions of our major chakras we can then control how they function so that we can achieve the benefits of balance and harmony, not only within us but with our surroundings as well.

Some people prefer to attend yoga exercise classes as the breathing and physical exercises used in the practice of yoga are beneficial to maintain chakra balance in the body.

Other methodologies of chakra healing are meditation (keeping the mind focused on an object of thought or awareness for a certain period of time), guided visualization (done with the aid of audio tapes or CDs to promote natural healing and relaxation techniques to reduce stress, promote relaxation and harness the power of the mind).

Despite the fact that we can see or touch our energy points, aside from the above there are other ways that we can keep them healthy in order for them to better support our body.

The human body has to be healthy and fed properly in order for us to have balanced chakras. There are foods that help maintain the balance of each of the seven primary chakras.

The first energy point, the root, is nourished by tubers and food rich in protein. The navels energy point on the other hand is benefited by our diet of sweet fruits and nuts while our energy point in our solar plexus chakra gets nourishment form wheat products, dairy and cereals.

Green, leafy vegetables, plenty of liquid, fruit juices and green tea are beneficial for our heart and throat chakras.

Blueberries and grapes are the primary source of nourishment of our energy point for the third eye. It is also helps if we drink wine or grape juice.

The last of the seven major energy points, the crown, does not need nourishment but requires fasting in order to be detoxified.

These everyday methods, which admittedly are vey simple since they are an extension of what we already perform daily are some of the basic ways we can heal our energy points so that we can reap the benefits of possessing a healthy functioning chakra for a more productive and healthier life.

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By Kim Drake

Obviously many girls will wish to become moms at some particular point in their lives. However due to fertility issues some will face problem in doing so. The 1st instinct is to spend cash on treatments for barrenness ; however explore a cheaper method. If you need help getting pregnant contemplate natural techniques.

Many medical professionals will tell you the first you must do when attempting to conceive is to chart your cycle to find the point of ovulation and engage in sexual intercourse on the days that ovulation occurs. This is one of the top methods that women use to help getting pregnant process.

Did you know a balanced eating habits help getting pregnant process? Take the healthful road ; eat veggies, whole grains and fruits and don't forget your minerals and vitamins. Attempt to cut down your intake of non-healthy foods.

Regular exercise is helpful for so many aspects of our lives so its no shock that it can help getting pregnant. In fact regular exercise usually manages your monthly period, which in turn improves fertility.

I expect you never knew that being obese can also reduce your chances of conceiving. Try to maintain a healthy weight. Be careful not to over-work yourself to the point where you drop too much weight as this is not good for you as well .

Practice healthy lifestyle if you need help getting pregnant. Keep away from indulging in the following : caffeine, alcohol and smoking.

Another methodology that can be used is ovulation kits. These are not very expensive and are available at most drugstores. There are numerous different makes of ovulation kits out there so you have a large range to choose between.

So if you need help getting pregnant follow these tips ; and wait for the ideal time, the time of ovulation to make that baby with your honey.

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By Dorthy Weatherbush

Men are you sick of hearing about how fine you used to be and how the only thing fine about you now is the wine that you drink? If the answer is yes, that is all about to change, as I can show you how to get rid of your beer fat without ever having to give up the beer! But let's get down to business by discussing what a beer belly really is and understand what really causes it.

Let us first define what a beer belly is. By definition, a beer belly is an area of fat that is positioned between your chest and your waist, or what used to be your waist. Now, is it cause by beer? The surprising answer is no. Science has proven that beer bellies are caused by calories that haven't been burned up by your body that get deposited to that section of your body. Why is it deposited there? Men are genetically dispositioned to deposit the greatest amount of their fat in their stomach area.

Now you know where the beer belly or should I say the hot wings belly comes from, next you have to decide what you are willing to do to reverse the curse. You can start by working on those fat cells that are spreading themselves on your stomach. Beer is not the direct cause of your waistline expanding, but it can be a factor. Alcohol makes you hungry, think Hot wings and Beer at Hooters (I mean the food is why you go, right?), so if you stopped drinking youd be taking a good step towards cutting down your calorie intake.

Get rid of the beer and you also get rid of the increased appetite. However, this article is about losing weight without getting rid of the beer, so that will not be included in our weight loss efforts. But you can switch to a lighter beer with fewer calories and in addition you can exercise more than you drink so that you are burning more calories than you are drinking. Some of you may think that exercising extensively is too much hard work, so that won't be included in our diet program either. But we will look at the best beers for your belly.

The first thought that probably comes to your mind when somebody says low calorie beer is those light beers that taste terrible. This article is not going to try to convince you of those beers, because we all know that real men don't drink such girly drinks.

First we have the nice and dark Guiness Draught; this beer is not light and with only 125 calories and 10 carbs, you don't have to worry about your belly. It's also full of flavor so you don't have to drink tons to make up for a bad taste. Second we have Beamish Irish Stout; it's light on calories with only 131. Finally, we have Busch which only has about 133 calories and around 10 carbs. So drink responsibly and get rid of that gut!

Now you know what you can do to get rid of that beer belly without getting rid of the beer. As a matter of fact, the next time your wife or girlfriend or your mother tells you to get from in front of the television and lose some weight, go to the fridge, grab yourself a cold one and tell her you're working on it right now!

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By Doug Stewart

People can be allergic to many things and some people are allergic to horses. Depending on the person, this can result in one or more of the following symptoms: - Itchy or watery eyes - Itchy or running nose - Itchy skin, hives or rashes - Sneezing or coughing - Difficulty breathing - Asthma attack

The severity of these symptoms varies from person to person, ranging from a slight itch to a serious asthma attack. People with asthma should be careful when they first come into contact with horses as there have been a number of cases of fatal asthma reactions. In particular, asthmatic children coming into contact with horses for the first time should be carefully monitored to see if they have an adverse reaction and their medication should be available to hand in case that they do.

The most common cause of horse allergies is horse dander (bits of hair and skin which flake off, like dandruff). Other common causes include horse mites, urine and even horse salvia.

It is possible to have an allergic reaction without being near a horse, through indirect contact. For example, if one has a friend or family member who rides, horse dander may have rubbed off onto their clothes or hair or horse tack which they bring home. There are a number of cases where one family member rides horses, resulting in another family member having allergic reactions or asthma due to contact with clothing or equipment which the rider brings home. Similarly, going into a barn or other enclosed area where horses have been can result in a reaction event if no horses are present at the time.

Horse allergies can be easily treated, using the same methods as for other allergies. These include medication, desensitizing treatment or simple avoidance.

If you wish to ride but are allergic to horses, you may wish to try the 'curly horse' breeds as many people who suffer from horse allergies find that they are not allergic to these breeds.

You may also wish to be medically tested to determine which aspect of horses you are allergic to. For example, if you are allergic to horse mites, treatment of the horse and its box against mites may reduce your symptoms to acceptable levels. Likewise, if it is urine or saliva you are allergic to, one can take care to avoid these specific elements when involved with horses.

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Using Exersice As A Natural Asthma Treatment


By Eddy Kong

It has been said that many strenuous activities can lead to asthma attack. Asthma patients often limit or inhibit themselves to engage in sports as they consider it a trigger to asthma. Asthma is regarded as a lung related disease and the lungs are believed to be the organ which helps human beings to breath.

Asthma is always related to breathing. When asthma attacks, patients have the tendency to breathe faster and uncontrollable which often makes them weak after the attack has surpassed. And due to this there are certain techniques and mechanisms that have been developed to help asthma patients improve their breathing, some may opt to buteyco breathing technique which is considered to be the most popular, but aside from this popular buteyco technique, asthma patients may choose to exercise to improve and develop proper breathing that can lead to them to prevention and minimizing asthma attacks.

Exercise is believed by asthmatics to contribute to the risks of having an asthma attack. But doctors and experts disagree. They even recommend that an asthmatic should exercise. Besides the physical health benefits, exercise builds up resistance so an asthmatic can play some sports. If an asthmatic exercises for at least fifteen to thirty minutes a day, it can help strengthen the lungs. Strong lungs mean less breathing issues.

An asthmatic should not jump in to the heaviest exercises immediately, of course. They are often advised to start slow so as not to trigger asthma attacks. Also, an asthmatic should not overdo his exercises as exhaustion and stress are also suggested to play a role in asthma. The simplest forms of exercise can be used by asthmatics. Included are walking, jogging, and push ups.

Asthmatics that stay at home all day and doing nothing but lie on the couch and watch television will have more health problems when they get older. They need to go outside, have fun, and play some sports if possible. Start with exercising, and you will be able to do so. There are asthmatics, though, that cannot be cleared by the doctor. So if you want to keep in shape, check with your doctor first.

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By Pat Lowe

In fact there are six cold sore stages, however most books and guides discuss the five cold sore stages only. Never displaying signs or symptoms including any pain, stage 6 is in fact the first one. At this point in time a cold sore is present however not visible, and is therefore in the latent stage. The herpes virus that causes cold sores is inactive at this point and hiding in the nerve ganglia. A third of those who contract the virus show no signs of it progressing to another stage. Blood tests are the only indicator of a inactive cold sore stage as it can be very deceptive. The virus stays "asleep" until something wakes it up. You do not need to take any medicine during the "sleeping" phase.

The first obvious stage of cold sores is known as Prodome. The dormant virus wakes up and moves to the surface of your face through the nerve endings. This occurs in the start stage of a cold sore. If you have the active virus, the first symptom you might experience is a tingling or burning feeling that is frequently combined with a nagging itching and dryness. This will last for up to two days before it progresses to stage two.

After the first stage of cold sores comes the second which is called inflammation or a "pre-sore." The virus enters the nerve cells, and redness and irritation occur. Small painful groups of blisters resembling pimples will form on the skin and this is generally the first hint. You may also get a headache and a fever.

The third stage of your cold sore's path occurs when you see the small pimples bursting open and becoming one large, open sore. The pain can in fact be so bad throughout this phase that people take to their beds. Since the discharge from the sore is full of viruses, this would be the most infectious stage. A cold sore is contagious to all other parts of your body, as well as the bodies of others.

Formation of the scab occurs in the 4th stage of cold sore development. This stage is quite painful since your facial movements can cause the scab to crack repeatedly. When the pus is oozing from the sore it is still in a very contagious stage. The scab may fall off 3 or 4 times at this point. Next you'll almost certainly feel discomfort from the new skin forming under the scab and this can become quite itchy.

The cold sore is near healing when the scab falls off and new skin is exposed. The healing process is almost complete now, as the new skin will form and strengthen; however further healing is still going on beneath the surface with new cells that have been damaged being replaced. You'll no doubt be very pleased that you do not actually feel this final process happening, and any tenderness remaining should subside within a couple of weeks.

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By Keree Jenkins

It's early in the morning, and you head for the bathroom to throw a little cold water on your face to get yourself going. "Ouch!" you say as the water stings. You certainly know what that means. Those cracks at the sides of your mouth feel like paper cuts, and you know you're in for another miserable bout. "Here we go again!" you groan.

You've tried just about everything you know, and yet here's another round of battle in this war with your mouth. What's it going to be this time? Is your battle strategy just to wait it out and suffer through all the awkward glances sent your direction while you're out in public? Or maybe you should make another doctor's appointment and spend more money on prescriptions that you've already tried before. Would a specialist this time help?

You've worked so hard, and yet the question is still unanswered for you: Is there really something that works? What is the BEST cure for angular cheilitis? You wonder if a permanent treatment for the ugly, painful lesions staring at everyone from the corners of your mouth is ever to be found. Lots of people who have already been through this give a definite "yes" answer to these questions. They agree that a solution for the chronic skin problem is possible, a real permanent remedy.

The first step to take is to make sure, once and for all, that you have covered the basics. One of the most important of these is to gain an understanding of how the condition develops and its possible initial causes. Getting to the root of the problem is always the shortest and most effective route to a complete treatment.

There are several basic factors the often contribute to angular cheilitis, with nutritional deficiencies being one of the most common. In particular, B-vitamins, iron, and zinc deficiencies are noted. Other causes may include poor-fitting dentures, habitually licking the lips or biting on pens and pencils, and chronic dehydration. Looking into any of these areas that may apply to you is a prudent first step.

After you've done this, if you continue to battle with recurrent outbreaks of cheilitis, consider looking into an answer many, many former sufferers found finally ended their ongoing misery, embarrassment, and pain for good. This is the same solution one mom found in her own desperate search for a cure, and she has been working to help other sufferers with this knowledge since making her discovery.

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By Peter W.L. Owen

Have you ever thought that you and your husband should be on a different weight loss program? It often happens that the woman challenges the man on a Weight Loss Speed Contest. What happens then? They follow the same diet, but for some reason the man, more often than not, lose more weight than the women. Could there be an easy explanation why this happens? Take a moment to understand some of the reasons why men are "luckier" than women when it comes to losing weight.

Men and Women Have Different Cravings

It's commonly known that men have more cravings for protein where women are mad about their carbs. I've heard more men than women say how they would give anything for a piece of steak. Women also love meat full, but they have more to say about those salty potato crisps during movie night. Now you can understand that potato chips are stacked with carbs and they tend to transform into fat easily.

Men Have More Muscles

We all know that men have a few more muscles tucked away here and there. They also are proud owners of testosterone which helps them in building bigger muscles. Not only does it help with muscle building, but it also helps to burn fat a bit faster. It is also possible for women to increase their metabolism by giving weight lifting a try.

Women are under the impression that they should only do cardio work in the gym. The weight lifting side is for men only. The fact is that women should do fitness training as well as weight training. Having cardio and weight training in your weight loss plan will improve your efforts to lose weight.

Women are More Often in the Kitchen

Even in this day and age women are still preparing food for the family. When the husband comes home he usually sits on the couch while reading the newspaper. The woman starts preparing the food and constantly gets tempted by what's in the kitchen.

What happens when she takes care of the family by giving them a proper meal? She's more likely to have a bite here and there just to make sure the food is ready to serve. When the food is done, the man puts down his newspaper and enjoys the meal his wife prepared. The woman is unaware that all of her tasting is interfering with the diet.

Should Women Have a Different Diet?

Men and women should have the same weight loss plan. If you think about it, will you be able to cook differently for two people every night? You will be burned out be the third evening and never manage to finish the diet. Both of you should do as much research as possible and set your minds on a program which will be fun and exciting.

When both of you have set your minds on a specific diet, the next step would be to find an ideal fitness plan that will boost the fat burning process. You have to stick to one another and keep your goals in mind all the time. At first you might think that a specific program for women or men is the right choice, but it isn't. Your program should focus on eating the right foods at the right times and spend enough time in the gym.

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By Jessica Biel

When individuals think about hair loss, of course the initial thing that comes to mind is an old man but I am a thirty year old male and my scalp is clearly visible, especially when it is sunny out. It was devastating for this group of young people since their hairlines were reducing, balding, and starting to fade while they were in their teen years but now the process is being made accessible for young men - but with limitations. As hair loss at a very young age is so stressful, hair transfer surgeons are disinclined to concur with a patient's spur of the moment decision. After an in-depth interview, the physician will do everything in his power to put off the surgical operation. Many doctors won't do a hair transplant right away and will suggest one last visit about six months down the road.

There are benefits of having hair transplant surgical operation when you are younger than twenty five years old because the majority of these people are in good health and don't normally require any medication. They are normally positive and have the inspiration that is necessary to be committed to a situation that may have to be taken care of all of their life. If a young man recieves a hair transplant, it may possibly prevent a lot of problems which consist of low self esteem and not having confidence. An more mature man is already set in his ways so it takes him a longer time to change. If a young patient gets a head start on restoring hair in the beginning stages, they will never feel having a bald head for a long time.

A surgeon expert in performing hair transfer procedures on younger recipients will be sure to look into prior to taking on this task. The doctor will ask to the members of the family to assess their balding and how the young individual might inherit hair when family members cannot be around, a doctor might ask for pictures.

When working with young individuals getting hair transplant surgeries one trick physicians utilized is guiding them in setting the hairline. Often a younger personal desires a lower hairline since he recalls how it looked in the recent past and wants that look back. Yet, a good hair transfer surgeon will discourage a low hairline and instead,will campaign for a higher hairline and there are several advantages to this. One is that, with less top hair to cover, more donor hair will be maintained and since the young patient will be dealing with this problem for a long time, this is a necessary circumstance.

If the hair transfer surgeon creates a higher hairline, he can accomplish greater thickness at the top of the head since there is less space to cover. This doesn't mean the young individual's hairline will be receding after the procedure ends, only that the hairline won't be very low. There are no grounds why a young person needs to become an adult without having a full head of hair if a hair transplant is available. It is now an option for numerous young males, and they are sure to be pleased with the outcomes.

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Fingernail Biting Could Drive You Insane!


By Steven Wilson

Fingernail biting is a pathetic problem; very difficult to get rid of. In fact, the very mention of the term reminds me of all the problems and embarrassment my friend had to face as a teenager. It's weird and actually upsetting. The worst part is that you start biting without even realizing that you are actually doing it and slowly it takes a place in your subconscious mind and resides forever. If not forever, at least till the time you are actually able to get rid of fingernail biting literally.

It takes loads of guts to really stop nail biting. It is not actually effortless to quit this practice, though you have not be really violent about it. All it requires is endurance and tolerance.

You could attempt all the alternatives to impede fingernail biting, comprising creams, nasty flavors and polish. They all appear to work originally and have their own benefits and drawbacks simultaneously. Nevertheless, the outcome differs from one person to another. So what will be a possible way to discontinue this practice forever?

Well, a companion of mine has truly thrived in eradicating nail biting by use of Hypnosis recording. He is merely in fright of this technique as it has assisted him in recuperating from his early day's custom. I've still not identified how it functioned, nor does my friend recognize how it cured his age old situation, although it did.

For several people, creams could work actually well, and so might the polishes accessible nowadays, although some others may require systematic cure. If creams appear to be helpful, which it definitely would, money could turn into constriction as you would want to although the same now and again. And then you might skip days also.

With the intention to avoid nail biting, initiate with a few of these vigorous tips now for better life tomorrow:

- Keep your nails clean at all times. - Put chewing gum in your mouth to assuage the worry of biting. - Avoid dam surfaces at all times that could cause fungal diseases of nails. - The only means to bring halt to fingernail biting is to study the habit warily, and only the person understanding the condition could do that. - As nervousness is the most ordinary origin of nail biting, endeavor to manage the same using unlike strategies. If necessary look for help from a proficient.

The best result I got when struggling with this habit was using a method by Alex Malave, which is using advanced NLP techniques that really put an end to nail biting in a shortest time possible. Nail Biting Anhiliation program contains videos showing what to do, the workbooks and bonus books helping you get rid of ANY unwanted habit you want.

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By Jen Long

Latex or nitrile gloves are mainstays in our fight against the spread of infection and in our promotion of wellness throughout medicine. Their use ranges from the simplest procedures in a wellness checkup to the complexities of the operating room. We have come to rely on the reassuring sound of a glove snapping into place on a health worker's hands before an exam, giving us confidence that both the health worker's and the patient's exposure risks are being reduced.

It was not so terribly long ago in human history that disease and germ theories centered on notions of evil spirits or vapors and bad drains as being the culprits behind illness. But we abandoned those ideas when the world of microorganisms with all their astonishing proliferation was exposed through the microscope's lens. Now our tendency is to respond to these known but invisible invaders with equal irrationality. Eradication is our first impulse instead of living with a wholesome balance.

Of course, it is only natural that one's scalp should crawl when viewing the rapid colonization of certain bacteria under the microscope's magnification. It can be like watching an alien invasion, an idea that has not been overlooked or undercapitalized upon by household cleaning product marketers. Antibacterial compounds are present in everyday products on supermarket shelves, from dish soap to floor cleansers, touting promises of a better, healthier home. Latex gloves and protective masks are found on grocery store end caps and clinicians daily write prescriptions for the "pink stuff", simple antibiotics, for sniffley noses.

Perhaps it should not be too surprising to learn that the scientific world in now warning us that we may have gone too far in our battle against everyday bacteria. The rise in autoimmune disorders may in fact be associated with our over-cleanliness. The hygiene hypothesis, a scientific line of thinking that is gaining lay support, submits that we are compromising our immune systems by not maintaining a bacterial balance that is essential to good health. Some parents are taking this idea to heart and as a result, are removing antibacterial cleansers from the house and encouraging their kids to play in the dirt to strengthen their immune systems.

It is quite likely that even a very rational person's skin will crawl when taking a close look at the lively demonstrations of cutaneous life as in the video entitled Our Skin is a Zoo at Brace yourself for an edgy presentation about a world you might have preferred to know less!

The narrator's memorable statement that "at any given time there are as many bacteria on our skin as there are people on the earth", is certainly food for thought. But some of us would be mentally and physically healthier if we chose to not give it too much thought. A short case of the heebie-jeebies should at the most make us pay closer attention to washing our hands a little more prodigiously with regular soap and then leave well enough alone.

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By Hubert Miles

Everyone in the world needs health insurance, but unfortunately not everyone does. With health care costs rising at a rapid pace from doctors, hospitals, and urgent care centers, it can be financially devastating for anyone to be without medical insurance.

With almost 40 million people in the United States with no medical insurance from either work or through a private individual health plan. For one reason or another, the research has shown that these uninsured Americans are taking a big financial risk. Some are without coverage due to job loss, while some don't have it because they don't qualify through their employer. The fact is that these uninsured Americans are just one accident or illness away from financial disaster.

There is a large segment of working Americans who are now being forced to turn down the coverage offered to them through their employer. The cost of the coverage is more than they can afford to pay with little options for reduced coverage plans.

There are a lot of working and former working adults like the unemployed, part-time workers, contract workers, and self employed small business owners who simply can't afford a medical insurance policy or don't qualify due to health reasons. It is estimate that 15% of the US population that have no health benefits according to the Census Bureau.

The effect this will have on our culture may be difficult to see in the short term. With many kids not seeing a regular doctor there could be lasting effects on both their health care and how they see the need for health care when they become working adults.

Health care suppliers and other experts all urge that everybody get some type of health insurance for the inevitable time while they'll need to call on their doctor or visit a hospital.

Final Remarks

There are options available such as high deductible plans, health savings accounts, and more. And if you do your homework many of the 40 million of uninsured Americans can obtain an affordable health insurance plan.

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By Peter Skonctue

Even if you've spent several years trying to get rid of blackheads with no results, don't give you. There a blackheads treatment for everyone, you just have to find it. If one doesn't work, then you try another one until you find the solution. The first thing to understand is that blackheads are caused excessive dead skin, which eventually clogs the pores.

This means you need to exfoliate your skin regularly and prevent the buildup to take place. Whether it's your nose, ears, forehead, or anywhere else, it's definitely a frustrating issue to go through. So today we're going to give you some helpful tips to make things easier.

Exfoliate- There are certain ways to exfoliate your skin, and when it comes to a blackheads treatment like this, a mild exfoliation with a combined benzoyl peroxide is the best choice. If you take this route it's important that you use the right amount of benzoyl peroxide. Plus, you don't want to over-scrub either. When done correctly, you will be able to expose the blackheads and clear them up.

You have to remember that you only need to exfoliate twice a week. Making sure you use a low benzoyl peroxide, you will know that you have chosen the best option for breaking down the buildup of blackheads on the nose.

Pore-Strips - You could also use pore strips for blackheads treatment since it is advertised everywhere. This works by pasting it on the infected area and it sticks to the blackheads like glue. After a certain amount of time, you pull it off and "Voila!" blackheads are gone.

This is a fair way to remove blackheads from the skin, but you will want to consider a clinical aesthetician who will not cause too much damage to the skin. This is a more effective treatment against blackheads.

However, don't go crazy with these things. Using too many can aggravate your skin and end up causing more blackheads to surface.

Blackhead Dissolver- You can find this at your local drug store. Granted it takes an about 3 weeks, but it's a natural remedy made out of plant extracts. These reduce cellular production and then allow the follicles to open up. While it's considered a blackheads treatment, it's also been known to treat dandruff, eczema, and various other conditions. What happens is the blackhead dissolver ends up softening the lipids and eventually breaks them down.

When you use a blackheads treatment such as the dissolver it is very important that you not allow your skin to dry out or become dehydrated for long. If this happens, the plugs will harden and will cancel the treatment completely. You will be wasting your time. If you have dry skin and you are going to use this product, make sure that you moisturize your skin or it will become drier.

There are many products out there that can give you the correct hydration balance. In the meantime, we recommend researching each blackheads treatment before purchasing one. You will feel much better in the end.

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By Connor Sullivan

With chaotic and busy schedules, a lot of people don't make the time to have a good and healthy breakfast. In fact, a lot of people simply do not have anything for breakfast and skip the most essential meal of the day. This article will give tips on the various things you can make for a wonderful healthy start to your day. It will offer great healthy smoothies that you can take with you on the go made in a Vitamix blender and gobi berries, or a quick healthy egg dishes as well as things to make and freeze to quickly have in the morning.

The main component why so many people do not eat breakfast is that they are rushing around in the morning. If you would just give yourself 5-10 minutes extra in the morning that is all that is needed to put together a nutritious and good breakfast for yourself and your family . The other issue many people do is that the convenient items that they do grab for breakfast are laden with empty calories of high fat and sugar. Donuts, muffins and oversized white flour bagels are some examples of these bad choices that many people choose to have for breakfast.

If you commute a long way and would like to be able to have your breakfast in the car, a great alternative to a sit down breakfast is to create a smoothie packed full of nutritious elements . It can be as simple as three ingredients such as chocolate soy milk, frozen strawberries and a banana that tastes decadent and created by Oprah's trainer. Or it can include some vegetables along with some fruit and berries along with yogurt to create a filling and great energy booster to get you going . If you do not think you will be making your own smoothie for breakfast and are willing to pay the added expense to purchase one instead, try the various Odwall smoothies that come in fruit or vegetable kinds and are a great way to begin your day.

Eggs are another great source of protein to get your morning off on the right foot . A great breakfast item that adults and children like is a easy and fast breakfast burrito. Just scramble one egg with three egg whites and mix in whatever vegetables you have on hand at the moment . Put this in a flour tortilla and top with salsa and there is a great breakfast that took you about 5 minutes to make . Egg white omelets are also great alternatives for breakfast and can be served with a slice of whole wheat toast.

Steel cut oatmeal is the final idea that is wonderful but takes some time to make so create it ahead of time and freeze it in single serve sizes . Then you simply microwave it and top it will some berries and you are all set . All of these healthy choices will help you to eat less during the day and keep you focused on your studies or at the office .

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Five Weight Training Tips To Pump Up Those Muscles


By Ricardo d Argence

The following five weight training tips are critical if you want to learn and understand how to lift weights correctly. When you choose a weight training program, stay with it for at least four months and make a serious commitment to that particular program. Take a seat, and note down your weight gain goals.

If you are new to weight training, do not rush into the gym and start throwing around weights until you know what you are doing. Seek advice from a staff member on the correct technique to use and the routine that would work best for you. Ask them for some weight training tips that will help you get quick results and spare you from injury.

Keep records of your progress.It will let you identify exactly where you are when trying to reach your weight gain and strength gain goals.

1. Goal Setting: It is what will keep you focused on the end result thus your goal setting is very important. To get you down to the gym three or more times a week and keep you highly motivated, you need your short and long term sensible goals set in place.

Take a moment to congratulate yourself when you achieve a goal and let it inspire you to head back to the gym and drive on to the next goal. Having short-term goals keeps a fire lit and gives you incentive to train hard.

Working your way back from the end goal is a way to set goals. If lets say in the next year your long term goal is to gain 50 pounds of muscle. Your short term aim then can be to gain 5 pounds a month.

2. Vow: The reason that most fail to make the muscle they want is the lack of commitment. That is when a good course comes in to play. You will know precisely when and what you are supposed to be doing with a professional muscle building program. It increases your chances of reaching your goals.

Be sure to select a muscle-add program that is in alignment with your goals. It shouldn't be difficult to find one. It will save you the work of plotting everything out yourself, plus you can be assured it will work as long as you stick to it and follow the instructions.

3. Learning: Can you change your body into a ripped machine in the next 6 months with the knowledge you have right now. Like many out there i'm guessing the response is no.So the answer is to educate yourself. Buy a good book , scroll the internet or join a reputable muscle building program.As knowledge is power, becoming more knowledgeable what you will have to do.

4. Correct Technique: Because it's no fun tearing a muscle or crunching cartilage, correct method is very important. The main advantage to proper technique is more muscle gain other than safety. To have the most benefit to your muscle growth carry out an exercise the correct way and that's what we are after, right?

If too much weight makes you lose technique, drop the weight a little until you can manage it. Just to try to out lift your buddy, or yourself but never compromise your form.

5. Development: Take things a step at a time. You will not gain 50 pounds of muscle overnight. Thinking that far into the future can even be daunting. Cut it into smaller chunks. Develop your muscles to the point where you gain five pounds over the next four weeks. Give your muscles time to develop equally in a logical fashion so your whole body benefits from your weight training efforts. Think about these five weight training tips before you begin your next workout and maybe they will help you get better results.

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By Thong M. Dao

Eating healthy is something we all would like to do, though it can be hard. Healthy eating starts with healthy food choices. Eating healthy is all about a healthy eating menu and healthy food meals, which makes the choices very crucial to our results.

Here's the list you might have been looking for.

1. Grains. 6 ounces of grains are recommended daily. The most healthy grain foods are whole grain cereal, rice, breads and even pasta.

2. Vegetables. Remember that vegetables are a must-have. Consume approximately 2 cups and a half daily. Spinach, broccoli and collar greens are highly ranking. Just remember the darker, the better. Beans, like baby Lima or even peas, are on this list.

3. Fruits. Fruits are very important. We should aim to eat 2 cups of them each day. Focus on a wide range of fresh fruits. We can drink fruit juices as well, though we should keep it in moderation.

4. Milk. Hmm.... We all know that milk does good to the body as it is high in calcium. Adults should aim at 3 cups and young children 2 cups a day. Lactose-free products are also available for those who dislike or are allergic to dairy products.

5. Meat. Broiling, baking or grilling is the key to a healthy meal plan. Select lean protein meats like chicken, turkey and fish, to name a few. 5 ounces a day is enough.

To get the most healthy food menu without adding cholesterol, you have to remove from your grocery list some items like butter, margarine, shortening and lard.

The nutrition label on the back of each product will give you information about saturated fat, trans fat and sodium content. Keep your intake of these as low as possible.

Take control of your body with healthy food choices and workout routines, too. This is where it all begins. Make it or break it, you decide!

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By Pedro Lopez

Breast Cancer

Cancer is a group of cells that do not obey the normal physiological functioning of the body. These cells are called as tumors. These tumors do not allow the organs to efficiently work. The tumor that arises in the breast tissues are called as breast cancer.

What are the causes of breast cancer?

Breast cancers occur due to a variety of reasons. The main reasons for the breast cancer are female gender and sex. Although this is the primary reason, there are also other reasons for the development of breast cancer and some of them are discussed below.

Environmental factors

The environment in which you live also contributes to the formation of breast cancer. For instance, if a woman is constantly exposed for longer periods to radiations while the treatment process; it may lead to the development of breast cancer.

Particularly in the case of the treatment of Hodgkin disease, the individual is required to be exposed to the radiations in her upper part of the body. This increases the risk of developing the breast cancer than the other people.

Dietary and life style factors

Dietary factors influence the triggering of breast cancer in some ways. It has been observed from a study that the people in some regions of the world who consume more amounts of fats develop breast cancers than the people who consume less amounts of fat. Breast cancer risk factors also increase with being overweight and obese.

Consuming alcohol has also been reported to be one of the reasons for the triggering of the breast cancer. It is also noted that the risk factor of breast cancer increases proportionately as the amounts of alcohol consumed.

Lifestyle of a woman has also been associated with the development of breast cancer. People who do not regularly exercise have been reported to have high risks of developing the breast cancer.

Breast diseases

Certain breast disease can increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Certain types of breast changes can lead to the development of breast cancer while the others are usually not harmful. To be on the safe side, it is best to consult a doctor if there is a breast discomfort.

Apart from the above certain types of causes like the hormonal causes and genetic cause are also responsible for the formation of breast cancer.

What are the diagnostic tests that are available for breast cancer?

For the diagnostics of breast cancer there are several tests which may include the physical and visual inspections and the feeling of breasts. Some of the most common tests for breast cancer diagnostics may include mammography, biopsy, ultrasonic tests and MRI. Among the above, biopsy is the only test that can certainly detect the tumor while the others can give a false readings.

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By Hilary Cleaton

When your regular toothpaste is no longer capable of giving you the shiny and bright smile you are used to, what can you do? The latest answer to this problem is teeth whitening which many people are looking at to find them the smile they require.

Getting the ideal white teeth is something we have all seen over the years in lots of alternative toothpaste adverts where all the people have beautiful white shiny teeth. The trouble is that over time teeth do get discolored from the likes of smoking.

Once everybody discovered the teeth whitening process a new business was created. And as the process became more and more inexpensive the interest for teeth whitening has multiplied.

There is now many different ways to have your teeth whitened and some of the up to date methods can be done at home. A number of years ago you needed to go to the hairdresser to get your hair colored now you can this at home with a kit you can easily get from a shelf in the local supermarket. This is the way that tooth whitening is now heading.

Home teeth whitening packs usually include whitening gels that are put in a gum shield and then into your mouth for a specific period of time. The packs vary in cost as does the results. Make sure you always look at the instructions thoroughly from start to end before you start using the kit.

You would not purchase a cheap hair color so do not buy a cheap home whitening product. Make sure you buy a recognized brand from a respected shop so that you are aware of what you are putting in your mouth is healthy. The alternative option is to have it done by an expert in a dental firm so you can make sure all required safeguards are taken. The dentist can run through the process and explain everything to you and any after care necessary too help keep your teeth white for as long as possible.

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By Graham McKenzie

More than anything else, the sheer quantity of exercise you manage to fit into your life is what has an impact on your body. Going on a strict diet is almost never better than simply finding the time for regular, challenging physical activity. Fitness is a goal anyone should have, even though it's getting harder and harder to find a place to fit exercise into the average person's lifestyle.

While everyone would probably like to have a bit less fat to deal with, there are more reasons than losing weight to take up regular exercise. A well-exercised body not only looks better, but is capable of more strenuous activities and just plain feels better to be in. Balancing out your exercise to train the different parts of your body equally will help you perform better and live more freely.

So many people have found that the option of joining a gym has failed for them. The logistics of planning your life around gym visits, the costs versus the benefits, travel and cleanup time, etc. become chores that we avoid and then feel guilty about. A much better solution is having fitness equipment in your own home. Your time will not be wasted and if the equipment is there you will use it. You can make good use of your leisure time by watching TV or movies or listening to music while you're exercising. Exercise creates endomorphism, your own natural tranquilizers with no side effects. You can be more relaxed and energized from short periods of regular exercise.

By getting in to consideration the most dependable fitness equipment that suits for each of us. What is best for each one and their body is a beginning for starting a perfect fitness routine by exploring the options and outweighing. Examples for popular fitness equipment are:

The treadmill is a popular, incredibly easy to use exercise machine that lets you take up jogging in the air-conditioned comfort of your home. Unlike running off of a treadmill, the treadmill's steady, mechanized pace will encourage you to stick to it until you've met your determined amount of time, instead of slowing down or slacking off as you tire.

Ab Crunch Machines - Most of us have a stubborn area of our body that resists our effort to look fit; our belly. In a complete exercise regimen, you may still have a need for this machine to take off that extra fat. Different machines allow you to exercise sitting or reclining. With applied effort you can expect results in a few weeks.

Ab Benches - This piece of equipment has the added benefit of strengthening and toning the back muscles as well as abdominal. It can be a great adjunct to your overall fitness plan and your exercise routine.

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Do You Need Hair Loss Solutions?


By John Farikani

Have you noticed that each day you seem to see more scalp through your hair? Looking for hair loss solutions that work can be a time consuming problem sometimes. But we are here to help you find the perfect product; it's new on the market and will help you grow new hair.

Sheryl was one of the women in the world who suffers from hair loss. Looking for hair loss solutions led her to many places on the internet. Many different product offers that she would spend money on and try.

They will head around the internet or even go to the doctor. Trying to find the perfect hair loss solutions that they will see new hair growth with. Spending money that at times they may not even have, but feeling that they need to buy it anyway.

Do you want to know the right hair loss solutions choice? It's a product called monoxidil and is fairly new on the market. It can be used by men and women alike, and is a natural hair loss solution too. Many people love the fact that they aren't adding in chemicals to their bodies.

People have seen great promise with this product, and many people will testify to the new hair growth. Hair loss solutions that work are difficult enough to find at times, so when you find one, you share it with everyone.

Something that can be used by women that suffer from hair loss too. Not just men out there, but a product that will safely assist both sexes with the growth of new hair. Cutting down on the DHT that your body is producing too much of.

This hair loss solution provided her a great chance to regain many things in life that she had stopped doing. Going out had become less frequent, and with the Minoxidil she had her answer, and was living with more self-confidence.

Find out the secret that many already know your hair loss solutions answer is right here.

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By John Farikani

Up to eighty percent of men experience some manner of mens hair loss during their lifetimes while up to forty percent of females suffer from this issue too. While there are some prescription medicines available on the market, most of them are over-priced and can come with side-effects.

This excess is caused by a number of things including environmental pollution, toxins such as preservatives and colorings in food and soy supplements and food and flaxseed oil.

How can mens hair loss be reversed?

These days, home remedies are generally a more preferable option. These include Vitamins A, B6 and B12, biotin, vitamin C and folic acid. These vitamins have been proven to increase the growth of hair in many people.

A poor diet can cause a person to lose up to three hundred follicles a day while the body normally loses about a hundred, but these will grow back under normal circumstances. However, losing up to three-hundred a day; this is more than the body can replenish naturally.

Changing some of your habits is also a good idea such as avoiding brushing your hair too much since this can irritate the scalp which in turn leads to the loss of hair. When drying the hair, it is also advisable to pat it dry rather than rub vigorously. Tight caps also restrict the blood flow around the scalp and should be avoided.

There are also various products that you can buy, especially natural remedies, which can be highly effective. However, a word of warning before you begin; there are many products on the market that simply do not live up to what they are supposed to, so be wary of what you get.

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By James Conner

Olive oil can work wonders as an eczema treatment. Olive oil helps to moisturize the skin, which prevents it from cracking and keeps it supple.

This is a great factor because as you already know, Eczema is more effective when the skin is dry. Eczema causes dry skin because the eczema patient repeatedly scratches the skin. Unfortunately this just dries out the skin even more, resulting in the skin becoming inflamed further. This obviously leads to red patches appearing on the skin, which can often end up seeping fluid.

The great thing about an olive oil eczema treatment is that olive oil is a natural product. With this mind very few people will have a negative reaction to it. It is possible to purchase lotions and creams which contain olive oil, and on the whole they can be pretty effective. However you should check the product for any other chemicals that it may contain, which may potentially give you an allergic reaction to the product.

You make an olive oil eczema treatment yourself. The oil can be diluted by adding a little water to it, and you will then gently need to apply to the area which requires it. It is best if this treatment is applied after you have had a warm bath. This will ensure that he oil reaches more deeply into your skin.

You can also mix the oil with some natural honey. This will make it into a thicker paste. This treatment would be ideal as a face mask if you have facial eczema. There are numerous places that you can use this treatment. You can use it on your hands, and then place some mittens over them. You could also use it on your feet, and then put on some socks.

There are plenty of other products which you can purchase that contain this oil. Soaps, shampoos, and moisturizing creams. The beauty of any olive oil eczema treatment is that it keeps the skin highly moisturized, and this reduces redness, inflammation, and itchiness.

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By Ben Pate

If excessive weight gain is ailing you, or perhaps you just want to be in a healthier state then you presently are, San Diego Workout Exercises is just what you need. With the obesity rate of our nation climbing everyday, don't you think its time to not be the next statistic?

If climbing the stairs or walking up a steep hallway makes you pant for air, then you need to do something before you begin to experience adverse medical conditions. You have the option to participate in one of the boot camps that are offered or to engage in aerobics.

When you decide to join one of the programs you will always be surrounded by people that have the same frame of mind as you when it comes to losing weight. A lot of people find it difficult to obtain their desired statures when they do not have the company of another person pushing them to make a difference.

When you join one of the programs at the San Diego gym you will be surrounded by a renowned crew that truly knows what they are doing to help you get in the best shape of your life. You may think that you are in great shape, when the truth of the matter is everyone should engage in one of the workout regiments to assist them in meeting the proper health stature that they should be at.

There are a few things that you should take into account when getting started with one of the exercise programs. The first thing is you need to be prepared to make some drastic changes in your life. Any excessive partying or overeating will have to cease in order for the program to effectively work for you.

Do not think of the program as a means to ruin your life. Think of the programs as a means to rebuild what years of unhealthy eating habits and not enough physical activity has done to your body. You will begin to encounter rapid changes to your body stature that you thought that you may have never been able to reach before.

Your San Diego workout program will have you running, strength training and building your overall endurance. Remember that you will not see results overnight, so do not expect to go to sleep and wake up the next morning and be fit once again.

You have to be dedicated to the program in order to succeed. Your muscles will be sore, your pain may be many but your body will be completely constructed to the healthy stature that you desire. Remember nothing is going to happen overnight, but over time you can make a difference in your overall health. Let San Diego Women Workout help you.

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By Chrisitan Goodman

Sadly, different studies have shown that almost half of Americans today are overweight. And this statistic is not just limited to the adults. Almost 14% of Children now are overweight, compared to 5% only a few decades ago.

The reason for this, experts say, is that the average American exercises less than before. Also, as American families become more affluent, consumption of the wrong kinds of food increases accordingly.

Even though some physical activities are being required by schools, such as credits in Physical Education or JROTC for graduation, the statistics are telling us that these efforts are not enough.

It's a well-known fact that the risk of hypertension is directy related to one's weight. If more weight is being carried by the body, more work is being done by the heart to counteract it. As time passes, the heart grows larger and weaker.

Arteries may also harden, hampering the circulation of blood around the body.

A blood pressure reading of over 120/80 mm Hg is a sign of hypertension. When you have hypertension, you are more prone to heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, dementia, blindness, and impotence.

Studies indicate that overweight individuals are three times more likely to suffer from high blood pressure than those who are healthy.

Conventional hypertension treatments, such as medical therapies to suggestions on how to exercise and eat healthier, are a dime a dozen. But as I've mentioned in a previous post, no one really makes use of these treatments.

Many are discouraged at the price of some of these treatments, while others are disliking the side effects.

How about good old fashioned exercise then to reduce weight? The most well-known answer to that would be, "I'm too lazy", or "I don't have time to exercise" which is another way of saying "I'm too lazy."

So what's the deal?

I've tried some of the treatments mentioned above, like exercise, weight reduction, and healthier diet, and have found that they are effective in lowering blood pressure. Significant improvements can be seen even with just a 10-pound reduction in body weight.

However, we are unwilling to give up those things that we enjoy. That is why I developed the Natural Blood Pressure Exercise Program.

My program does not involve long hours of exercise or any strenuous physical activity. It does not even talk about weight loss. It only involves removing nerve tension and emotional stress, which in turn lowers blood pressure.

And all it requires is a conviction to spend a few minutes each week to do the exercises.

No other treatment has helped me control my hypertension better than these exercises. the program can be accessed by clicking on the link found at the upper-right-hand side of this website.

Though it wouldn't hurt to do something as simple as my exercises and shed a few pounds at the same time, would it?

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Your Patient Rights In Therapy


By Carlo Mueres

Before you go into psychotherapy, you should be informed of your rights as a patient ahead of time by the therapist. The therapist should, in addition, give you a printed copy of something that reads similar to the below, so that you can take it home with you. We've long had a version of these rights here on our website, but I thought it might be helpful to further describe or explain each right in a little more detail.

Therapists nowadays may also often offer you their guidelines for electronic and/or outside contact, (such as through Facebook, email, telephone, etc). This sets the ground rules for how you may contact the therapist outside of session, in event of an emergency, or in the event that you just want to share something with your therapist (or change your appointment or such).

You should know that these rights are not absolutes, and there may be exceptions based upon what kind of treatment you're undertaking, under what conditions, and in what country or province you live in (even state laws vary that may alter some of these rights). If you have a specific concern with one of these rights, you should discuss it with your therapist during your next session.

Every patient engaging in psychotherapy with a professional has the following rights:

You have a right to participate in developing an individual plan of treatment. Every client in psychotherapy should have a treatment plan that describes general goals of therapy, and specific objectives the client will work on in order to achieve their goals. Without such a plan, how would you know you've made progress?

You have a right to receive an explanation of services in accordance with the treatment plan. The therapist should describe the process of how they work with clients, in as much detail as you prefer and time allows.

You have a right to participate voluntarily in and to consent to treatment. You are there voluntarily and should understand and consent to all treatment provided you (unless you have been court-ordered or have other state-imposed restrictions).

You have a right to object to, or terminate, treatment. Don't like therapy or a specific type of treatment? You can leave at any time without any kind of repercussions (unless you have been court-ordered to attend therapy).

You have a right to have access to one's records. Yes, although many professionals don't like it, you have a right to review the records they keep on you.

You have a right to receive clinically appropriate care and treatment that is suited to their needs and skillfully, safely, and humanely administered with full respect for their dignity and personal integrity. Your therapist should be skilled and trained to administer the treatment he or she said they would, and do so in a dignified and humane manner. You should never feel unsafe in your therapist's presence.

You have a right to be treated in a manner which is ethical and free from abuse, discrimination, mistreatment, and/or exploitation. Therapists shouldn't use your story to write a book, a screenplay, a movie, or have you appear on a television show. They shouldn't attempt to leverage the therapeutic relationship in an inappropriate manner (e.g., sexually or romantically), and they shouldn't pass judgment upon you based upon your background, race, handicaps, etc.

You have a right to be treated by staff who are sensitive to one's cultural background. No matter what your background or culture, you should expect to be treated with respect and dignity, by all staff (including billing staff, receptionists, etc.).

You have a right to be afforded privacy. Your sessions are confidential and private and will not be overheard or shared with others.

You have a right to be free to report grievances regarding services or staff to a supervisor. More of an issue if you're being seen in a clinic or hospital.

You have a right to be informed of expected results of all therapies prescribed, including their possible adverse effects (e.g., medications). Psychiatrists should go through the list of common adverse and side effects of any medication they prescribe. If a type of psychotherapy treatment also has adverse events, those should be described to you at the onset of treatment.

You have a right to request a change in therapist. Sometimes it just doesn't work out with the therapist chosen. That's nobody's fault and the therapist should help you find his or her replacement (through a referral, at minimum).

You have a right to request that another clinician review the individual treatment plan for a second opinion. You are entitled to a second opinion by a professional of your choosing at any time.

You have a right to have records protected by confidentiality and not be revealed to anyone without my written authorization.

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By Krasen Dell

Cap barbell can turn provide you with a fitness corner in the comfort and convenience of your own home. It can help you make your own program in your own time in the privacy of his home. These types of fitness equipment vary in sizes and weights according to the capacity of a persons workload. There is no need for you to go the gym for any physical fitness program. It offers a wide selection weights, dumbbells and barbells.

It is known that strong muscles can be produced through constant work outs by the use of weights. Most often men go physical fitness gyms for training programs in order to attain the body they desire. But going to gym to get fit is a bit costly and time consuming. Cap barbell can offer the right equipment for that body tone and muscles you want. These can either be free weights, dumbbells or barbells depending on your specific needs.

You can always do your exercise and fitness activities at your own time and in the privacy of your home. You can have some sets for your own private use at home Cap barbell can provide you with the pro-style dumbbells. These are assembled by using different sizes of weights which are secured with bolts on the ends of the shaft handle. You need to equip yourself with some appropriate weights and dumbbells sets.

You do not need a big space for these types of equipment. These dumbbell sets usually weigh from 5-50lbs. It has a rack where you can place them after using. Dumbbell weight sets goes as heavy as 300 pounds like the 3-hole Olympic weight set. The barbells have different lengths which range from 4 feet to 7 feet. They can easily fit anywhere in any part of your home. These gears are also portable and you can carry them along anywhere to do your fitness program. Normally, dumbbell sets just like the barbells vary in weights and sizes depending on the persons preference.

Cap barbell can recommend the appropriate workload for you. It offers all types of weights, dumbbells and barbells that suit your peculiar needs. You can also check online for all other types of fitness equipment it can offer you for your private home gym.

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By Adrian Vasquez

There are a lot of products in the market that address the problem of not being able to have a fulfilling love life. Chief of this is yohimbe. It has long been used as an aphrodisiac by African tribes. This (or actually, the substance yohimbine) is extracted from the bark of a tree. This tree is usually readily found in western Africa. The locals also use this to cure fevers and colds.

It is also a supplement that is useful for weight loss, as it helps increase the metabolic rate of the body. This, in turn, leads to the body consuming a higher number of calories, which drives the weight loss. Although there is not a specific research to support this, a lot of people reported this is particularly helpful in getting rid of stubborn fat. This is the fat that is very hard to loose, from specific parts of the body. You may find that you keep your diet, lose weight, but there are just some areas from where fat just wouldn't go. Well, these are exactly the cases in which you can benefit from the help of this supplement.

Yohimbe also has a positive impact on that area of the brain that controls one's desires and arousal. Thus, it addresses both the physiological and the psychological side of erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, when the problem is related to the organic nerves, it may not be the greatest solution for you. The best thing to do is to ask the doctor for other treatment alternatives.

Women can also benefit from yohimbe as is it also able to raise up their libidos. Aside from its applications in bed, though, it also aids in dealing with depression since it works on putting a stop to amono-amine oxidase, which is said to advance depression in a person.

Yohimbe should be used with caution, though. The lines between an effective dose, a toxic dose and an ineffective dose are very slim. A little too much and it can have toxic effects on your body. A bit too little and it may not be as effective. Thus, it is hard to find the right dosage, especially as this may vary from one individual to another.

You should also take to avoid substances that react negatively yohimbe, and it's a long one. It includes food like cheese, chicken liver, red wine and tyramine-bearing foods. It may also react negatively to anti-depressants and nasal decongestants. So consult your doctor first to be sure.

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By Nick Jaggs

When you have a smoothie are you sure you know what is going into it? Certainly the smoothie has become big business these days because words such as "natural" and "healthy" have been used to describe certain food products. However the smoothies that you see on the supermarket shelf are not as "innocent" as they may seem. Many of these products use advertisements where sunny outdoor scenes are used or the blender contains fruit to convey an image that these contain vital and fresh living ingredients. But often these are produced on mass using machinery and vats of fruit purees which to extend their shelf life have been pasteurized.

Also be aware that not all the drinks your local juice or smoothie bar offers are not completely natural. Many of the companies who provide commercial equipment to smoothie outlets will also supply them with frozen portions of fruit purees high in sugar. In most cases the kinds of professional blenders you see being used to make smoothies in a juice bar have been supplied to them for nothing as long as they use their frozen fruit purees as well.

A number of juice bars today have developed their own frozen fruit products in order to simplify their operations and to save them money. A few of these produce good products but a few others will load theirs with sugar. It isn't some conspiracy to defraud us of those natural ingredients; it is just a way for a business to streamline things to ensure that they make a profit. But it is because of this the consumer sometimes loses out.

The original idea of a smoothie was simple; it was a blended health drink. It was made popular in the USA; although today there is still no specific definition to describe this drink. However, most of us know them as a thick, smooth drink that is fruit based and will be created using either frozen fruit or frozen fruit and ice. A large number of the independent juice bars around today are health focused and will offer a high quality of freshly prepared natural products. Also for the health enthusiasts they will provide super foods and boosters to further enhance their smoothies.

If you happen to have a juice bar like this close to where you are then you should support it. But if your only contact with smoothies is drinking the ready bottled variety you are losing out on getting all the goodness and flavour that freshly prepared ones offer.

A great way of trying a smoothie to see if you like it is to make your own at home. However, there has been some confusion caused by a few of the blender manufacturers regarding smoothie makers. When we talk about smoothie makers we actually do mean a blender which has for many years been a vital piece of equipment in many kitchens. That was until some bright spark in some marketing company thought it would be a good idea to call them smoothie makers so that a company could target those people wanting to make their own smoothies. It is for this reason alone that we think blenders and smoothie makers are two different machines, when in fact they are not.

Making smoothies at home is very simple you just need to put some ingredients into the jug and then press the button. It only takes a matter of seconds to pulp a full jug of fresh fruit and juice, and at a lot less than you would pay for the high street ones. As well as the drink being delicious it is full of vital nutrients your body needs. Some people will use frozen fruit chunks that they have prepared earlier or add ice to the fresh fruit. To give the smoothie a much creamier tangier taste adding yoghurt is recommended. But you could experiment as well using different healthy ingredients in order to get the health benefits from them as well.

For making such drinks you need a blender or smoothie maker. It is important that you go for one which will do everything you require and is able to deal with frozen ingredients. The cheaper models may save you money but are as effective and blending ice in such machines can be very demanding on them. So it is better to go for a more expensive model. Ideally go for one that allows you to mill dry ingredients as well such as the Mill Blender by the American company L'Equip. This is a machine that not only allows you to create smoothies but allows you to grind up flax which is full of essential fatty acids and which can be added to the drink.

There are many health enthusiasts who place great demands on their kitchen equipment and spend hundreds on buying commercial grade equipment such as the Blendtec Total Blender. Although a luxury model they do offer you a long time of service, but you yourself don't need to break the bank to make your own smoothies at home. If you intend to blend ice or frozen ingredients in your smoothies avoid those that cost below 60. Instead to go for a much more expensive model such as the smoothie makers to be found at

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By Sean Flynn

Often people are so busy with whatever they are doing that they forget to appreciate the good life which they are leading right now. They take it for granted and feel that this good life will be there forever. Even when they have achieved all they wanted to and have a career which they opted for they forget to stop a minute and fell good about it.

When you have a feeling that you are fulfilled by what ever you do and are satisfied with the way life has treated you have a good life. Many would not find pleasure in even big things which come their way and may live life in a way where they miss out on seeing how their life has been quite complete, it is only perchance that they loose out on what they have to realize that they had a good life once.

If you have a week end to enjoy make the most of it and know that you have a good life. There are many who do not get time off to enjoy it with their families and wait for the day when they can just put their feet up leave alone go out and have a nice time with their people.

Similarly family is taken for granted, but remember that even they will not be with us forever. The demanding spouse may not be there and the kids will grow up and move on with their own lives. The good life that you had surrounded by them was not appreciated when they were there and now it is lost forever.

By achieving our goals we feel happy but soon forget what we have in hand and the good life we are leading to want something else and be dissatisfied with our present state of affairs. Learning to appreciate the present is really necessary to be happy in life.

Once you land a job it is not long before you are cribbing about the long hours, the horrible boss and the difficult colleagues. Those who have retired from their jobs and do not have the regular routine which they had at one time wish they were back in that period which was a good life hard work and all.

Finding pleasure in what is happening around you is appreciating your surroundings and the good life which you have. Often there are troubles which you find difficult to tolerate but friends and family rally around you to tide over this period and they make it a good life for you.

For those who are spiritually inclined a good life is one where they can join with others for spiritual fulfillment. Sometimes helping a person in need by lending them support can give more pleasure than in receiving and this would be part of a good life.

People who have someone to share their life with and who can reach out and hold the hand of their old parents and comfort them have a good life because they have been given the chance to show their parents that they care. There are many who are orphaned and have never known their parents and would love to be in the position which you are in and now and have a good life like yours.

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