Definition Of Rosacea And Rosacea Treatment

By Marybeth Quirk

Rosacea affects millions of people and there are treatments for this condition. Rosacea is a disorder that mainly affects the face but can appear on the chest, neck, scalp and ears. It is a chronic disorder that consists of flare-ups and remission. Rosacea treatment works best when it is discovered in the early stages.

Rosacea is most noticeable because it causes redness of the face. Rosacea affects men and women. It is more common in women but it is more severe in men. Women are more frequently diagnosed because when symptoms begin to appear they seek treatment. Men tend to wait to seek treatment once the symptoms of Rosacea are more severe.

There are four types of Rosacea. The four types of Rosacea are facial redness, bumps and pimples, skin thickening, and eye irritation. The most common symptoms of Rosacea are continual redness, visible blood vessels, flushing of the skin, and bumps and pimples. The cause for Rosacea is not known, there are no tests designed to diagnose the disorder, and there is no cure. Although there is no cure there are treatments for Rosacea.

The treatments for Rosacea are oral and topical medications which are prescribed by a doctor. Many doctors also prescribe a skin care program to go along with the medication. Doctors also recommend that Rosacea sufferers make changes in their daily lives in order to remain in remission.

Metrogel is a topical antibiotic that is commonly used to treat Rosacea. Metrogel reduces the amount of swelling and redness of the face and also lessens pimples. Tetracycline and Erythromycin are commonly used oral antibiotics used to treat Rosacea. Both medications are widely prescribed because they suppress symptoms of Rosacea and lessen the amount of bumps and pimples.

Doctors encourage those that suffer from Rosacea to have a routine that is gentle for the skin. Mild non-abrasive cleaners are recommended for facial cleansing. Sunlight increases the risk of a flare-up so Doctors encourage Rosacea sufferers to take precautions when going out into the sun. Doctors prescribe the application of daily sunscreen.

A change in lifestyle must be considered by those who suffer from Rosacea. Rosacea sufferers need to examine their daily habits and make adjustments as needed. The amount of stress, types of food, types of beverages, and skin products should be carefully reviewed. Although a cure has not been discovered, Rosacea treatment can reduce symptoms and help to live a life that is normal.

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Natural Rosacea Treatment said...

Hi, Nice Blog...I wish to share a few tips to keep Rosacea under control

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