Best Way To Lose Weight With Acupuncture

By Sarah Neil

Many people do not know how helpful acupuncture can be in losing weight. It also helps to boost energy and metabolism. People who are eating well and exercising and do not lose weight can often lose 10 pounds with no extra effort. After one month, their bodies function better and can burn fat better.

Your digestion and metabolism are improved with acupuncture. Metabolism is determined by energy levels and how your organs are working. Your kidney energy and spleen energy are responsible for your rate of metabolism in Chinese medicine. Your spleen and stomach digest food to produce energy in your body. If your digestion is weak, it is impossible to have good energy. One of the most important things you can do to improve energy is to treat your digestion.

After getting acupuncture for one month, most people are shocked at how much better they feel. Most people get two treatments a week for about a month. They have so much energy and did not realize that they had gotten run down. Your energy levels decline with age, most people do not notice this because it is gradual. After taking Chinese herbs and getting acupuncture, your body can function better and you can get more energy from the food you eat.


Improves energy and longevity

Improves digestion

Improves metabolism level

Reduces excess edema

Some acupuncturists use auricular, or ear acupuncture, to aid in weight loss. There are points on the ear that can address hunger levels. However, most Americans do not eat because they are hungry. The ear points definitely help reduce hunger, but acupuncture points will stop working after 24-48 hours. Your body will not allow you to continually stimulate a point. It just shuts down.

It is important to use body acupuncture points to improve metabolism and overall body functions. You also will want to take Chinese herbs such as cordyceps or Panax ginseng to improve energy levels. You can take herbs several times a day for a faster healing time. Herbs work on a deep level to improve energy and metabolism. They also improve longevity and vitality.

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