Dating Tips How to Get the Girl

By Jayde Johanssen

Dating can seem like a game to men. They have to struggle through odd challenges and challenging proposals all just to find and obtain, or get, the right girl. The popular opinion is that women are difficult. They are notoriously complicated. They are hard to please. They can't be figured out. For men it's really almost impossible for them to comprehend the female mind. They remain mysticized by it. So, the whole dating game becomes a huge gamble. How do they navigate through the many challenges and make it out alive, or sane? How to balance being yourself, a guy, and being what a girl what's you to be. Difficult questions.

Dating is really a simple affair. Although theres really no definitive guidebook, there are things you can keep in mind while on the dating circuit.

Sometimes guys get all gung ho about a girl they like. They get ahead of themselves only to be disappointed later. It happens a lot. The best thing to do is remain level headed. Play it cool. Nothing is as unflattering as a whiff of desperation.

Grow up. This applies to both guys and gals, but girls do tend to mature faster. This means cleaning up your act. Dont think that your flaws or sloppy habits make you somehow charming or more real. Be prepared to take responsibility for your actions. Stop drinking like a college kid. When youre sober, the choices you make are all your own. And good things can happen from there.

Convey respect. Make your date feel wanted, special, important. People do like to feel like they are worth something. If you don't let your date feel like they are valued, then chances are things aren't going to work out.

Open the car door. Pull out her chair at a restaurant. It may seem old fashioned especially now that everyone champions egalitarianism, but women like these little courtesies. Stuff like that really doesnt get old.

Show your date that you appreciate her. Pay attention to her needs and wants. Listen to her. And don't forget to show affection. It's important that you show your lady that she matters to you, that you care about what's going on in her life. Affect and not simple lust can go a long way. Be sensible and sensitive to her feelings.

Be open to unexpected ideas. A girl may fancy a good home made meal of Dominos pizza or she may want to rock out to Guitar Hero. Peoples tastes differ. Go with it. The dinner and movie standard sometimes is just boring.

Think positive thoughts. Don't give up if things aren't working as you planned. Negativity is a killjoy, don't let it ruin what may be a great relationship.

When you are on a date, it's basically written in stone that you do not gab about your ex or your exes. At least, don't do so when you're still treading the waters and the relationship is still new. Also, be careful not to take your date to someplace where you could be easily distracted. You won't be able to give your date the attention she expects.

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