Bible Verses Anxiety Will Be Helped By

By Lucile Jacobs

The world we live in is indeed very stressful. Such stress, caused by the troubles and pressures put onto us by jobs, payments that need to be made or sometimes even family, can lead to serious anxiety and worry in life. For a lot of people reading Bible verses anxiety can be helped. There are passages there for such a purpose.

If you are a Christian, then you are someone that believes in the Saviour described in the bibles pages and everything said by him. The Saviour being Jesus. It is only fitting then, that in believing what he says you should put it into practice.

During the early parts of Jesus' three year ministry that we can read about in the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, one of the sermons that Jesus gave is recorded in detail. In this detailed record their is a section that we have later entitled "Do Not Worry".

This sermon is known as "The Sermon on the Mount". Though the bible does not give a specific place where it was preached, we do know that it was someplace near Capernaum and Tabgha. Jesus gives a few examples in this section of the sermon about why we should not worry.

The reason given to us as to why we should not worry is faith. Jesus tells us that God cares for you. With this in mind He then goes on to ask us why we should worry when that is true!

God puts petals on the flowers outside in our gardens. Flowers do not work to earn their cloths or even make them to put on. God gives them their petals. Flowers are clothed by God even when flowers will not live long enough even to see the winter! If God cares so much for flowers that are in your garden, what is the level of care that you should expect to receive as the owner of the garden! This notion of being important to God and having God care for our well-being is the anxiety killer for most readers.

Many people work very hard and yet still struggle even to afford food. This inability to be able to afford the basic needs of life can be very scary indeed, but Jesus covers such an aspect in his sermon also. He points out the fact that God feeds the birds. Birds do not farm, or work for their food, they simply eat what is there; what is provided by God. Jesus then points out the fact that if God cares so much that the birds get all that they need and more, then how much more will be make sure that you get fed? In other words, God's passion for feeding birds is a passing fancy (no more than you might feed the birds after having fed your own children if you have them).

This bible scripture is there so that we might have faith and trust the God that Christians love. It is there to tell us that God will look after all of your needs and make sure it all works out in the end. You must trust Him.

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