Some Of The Best Natural Acne Treatment Options

By George Balibrera

Acne is an issue that is experienced by many people from different ages and backgrounds but it is mostly common among teenagers. This condition is caused by many factors among them family history, stress, diet and hormones. Treating this skin condition might prove challenging but it is achievable. Today, there are several products in the market claiming to be the best to eliminate spots but you can achieve a clear skin by using home remedies. In addition to giving you a clear skin, these natural treatments also give your skin a healthy look. Below is a look at the top natural acne treatment options.

Tea tree oil is one home remedy of acne. This is widely used and it is highly effective in eliminating spots because it kills viruses, bacteria and fungi. You just wash and pat dry the affected area then apply the oil. Tea tree oil is naturally antiseptic hence it will kill germs that cause spots and reduces pimple inflammation. However, to achieve results, you will have to use the oil on a regular basis.

Drinking adequate water will also help you get rid of spots. Water flushes toxic substances from the body and this assists in preventing and healing acne flare-ups. Eat plenty of whole grains, vegetables and fresh fruits. In addition to giving you a spotless skin, these foods will also make you healthy.

Aloe Vera is also an effective natural treatment. Applying Aloe Vera on the skin helps it relax and kills germs that cause spots. It also speeds up the healing process of the skin and reduces swelling and inflammation.

Use of apple cider vinegar is also a way of curing spots. This solution kills germs and it reduces redness. To avoid irritation, one should dilute the vinegar prior to using it. This should be then left for about ten minutes on the skin and rinsed using cold water.

Consider adding natural supplements and vitamins to your diet. Zinc helps heal blemishes, decrease androgenic hormonal effects and reduce inflammation. Vitamin A reduces sebum production while vitamin B6 helps clear mid-cycle or premenstrual spots.

One can get rid of spots by using egg white. The egg white helps get a clear and smooth skin by killing bacteria that causes the spots. Use warm water to rinse the skin after the egg white is dry. Another natural acne treatment is exercising. This makes one to sweat and this removes toxins from their body resulting to a clear skin.

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