By Dr. Jeffrey Parham

The majority of folks have memories regarding some kind of event in their lives that have brought them joy and pain. Those memories are stored somewhere in the body? the spine and nervous system included. This is especially true if it didn't feel safe to experience their experience at a particular time. The stored up energy causes the body to vibrate and feel the tension. The brain's cerebral cortex will disconnect itself from the energy so that it's not in full awareness of it. This is when you need make the consciousness decision to seek the help of a Denver Network Spinal Analysis chiropractor.

When stress, whether it is chemical, physical or emotional, becomes ensnared within the body, the spinal cord is the one that becomes affected. Stress can make it feel like an over-tightened guitar string, which puts the body on high alert. It locks in that tension and causes the spine and posture to become distorted. Spinal cords that are under strain will cause a change in the tone and vibration of all the cells, causing obstruction in communication and energy flow.

When the communication of the nerve system and cells drops, there is a failure to distinguish, process and express body sensations, tension patterns and emotions. This limits the adaptive responses and its range. This encourages the mind-body disconnection to make and keep the spinal distortions and vertebral subluxation.

The more a person attempts to deny the parts that have been hurt, the more suffering and discontentment is present. The parts of the body that defends against real or perceived threats are unconscious sensory motor strategies anchored in the nervous system and spine as stuck energy. This blocks the nerve energy and consciousness. Until the energy of stress and trauma is connected, the body can stay in its place of suffering, which includes physical symptoms of illness and pain. How can the nervous system change this jammed energy?

The spine and nerve's shape, position, tone and vibration sets the awareness and level of consciousness a person experiences with the world. Picture a triangle that's got labels on all three sides: Perception, Behavior and Structure. Surrounding the triad are electrical bio-fields labeled Spiritual, Life Force, Emotional and Lower/Upper Mental. The bio-fields encircle and move the body through the Spinal Gateways. All the bio-fields have awareness, consciousness level, tone and vibration. What one gets inside the triad is energy. The nervous system and spine is what gives people their perception, behavior and structure for the bio-fields.

To get a better picture of how structure, behavior and perception influences consciousness and awareness, do this experiment: Hang the head down low and bring your shoulders forward. How does this make you feel? Keep that position and ask yourself, Is there something wrong with me?.

How is the energy making you feel in your body? It's highly probable that you're feeling trapped inside that lower energetic bio-field and experiencing a range of feelings including aggravation, anger and depression.

You'll need to roll your shoulders back and upwards at the blue sky. Give your heart a lift and ask this question, ?How can I turn out to be the thing my soul is encouraging me to be?.

A person needs to open themselves up to the Individual Soul and the Global Soul bio-fields. And, they should remember, that as they experience the awakened spine connection, the vibration will increase like the vibration does for humanity and the planet.

The model mentioned above is called, The Triad of Change, which is the premise principle behind the Network Spinal Analysis. And, in the Network Spinal Analysis, people who visit their Denver chiropractor are given an array of originality for five aspects: life, health, awareness, wellness and consciousness. A gentle amount of contact is applied in certain patterns to the Spinal Gateways, which are seen at each end of the spine. When this is done, the nervous system becomes empowered. As the nervous system sorts itself out to higher levels of behavior and perception, there's a link to the caught energy. As the energy is released, the body/mind wave points the energy toward the Spinal Gateways so that it's recycled into healing and transformation fuel. As the body finally gets away from the flight or fight mode, it opens up and clears negative feelings.

When someone experiences the change in an awakened spine, it allows them to experience with real awareness, grace, alleviation and love of an open heart and have an appreciation of global soul consciousness that's associated to a higher power and humankind. Are you ready to learn about your awakened spine? Then talk with a local Denver chiropractor that is Level III certified in Network Spinal Analysis to learn more about consciousness, healing and awareness of your spine and nervous system.

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