Depression Signs in Men

By Tim Vandaver

Sometimes doctors don't look for depression in men because it was once considered almost exclusively a woman's illness. Today, most doctors, psychiatric experts and therapists know better. In the United States alone, it's estimated that over six million men suffer with depression annually. Nonetheless not every man is pleased to seek help due to bias toward the disease.

Men don't suffer depression as often as women do because ladies have more hormonal changes that can cause depression. However , men also have changes in their hormone levels later along in life. Today, many people call this manopause or male menopause. The signs of depression in men are dissimilar. Many men still are under the idea that they must hide their feelings or that it's cowardly to cry. If a man finds himself depressed, he is less certain to chat about his symptoms than a lady is. This implies that those around him have small clue based on what he is saying and instead must watch his actions closely to identify depression.

Loss of Interest in Outside Activities

If a man was once an ardent fisherman, golfer, bowler or participated in other activities and all of a sudden drops all activities, he might be depressed. It doesn't need to pertain solely to enjoyable activities; it could also refer to the daily grind or work. Some men love working or are reliable employees and suddenly just fail to show up, become lazy on the job or miss a lot of work for reasons that would not have kept them home before that time. This is also an indicator of depression.

Loss of Interest in Sex

Men who always immediately took part in sexual practices but now linger in front of the TV when it's bedtime or turn down advances from their better half could be depressed or may have a problem they aren't sharing with a partner. As men age, their hormone levels change as does their ability to maintain an erection. While both of these are depressing, the absence of interest may come from their embarrassment of the incapability to perform as normal. Either way, a better half should question a change in approach toward sex. In most cases, it is not a change in perspective towards the partner that leads to it.

Short temper and Aggression

If the man is very much more irritable than usual, he might be depressed. Unlike some women that feel comfortable crying, many men don't feel they have that right. Instead , their feelings come out as wrath or aggression. If a person appears more antagonistic than he ought to be over straightforward things, he may be depressed.

Changes in Appetite

If a man all of a sudden begins eating everything steadily or stops eating and has no appetite, it's a sign of depression. This sign also goes along with weight gain or unexpected weight loss.

Changes in Bedtime Routine

When a man all of a sudden sleeps all of the time or doesn't sleep at all, he could be depressed. Uneasiness about a situation can keep a person up all night, but the kind of agitation about life generally is usually a sign of depression. If a man selects to sleep his life away, it might mean that his sense of depression is so great when he's awake that sleeping through it seems like a better route to take.


When a person no longer cares about anything, including his private appearance, job or home, he could be depressed. It's only one of the signs apparent to buddies and relatives.

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