By Lonnie Hahne

When you have pain in your back you feel old. What is worse, back pain can lead to many of the symptoms of old age. Anyone who is experiencing pain that results in decreased activity and less pleasure in life should consider seeing a Galesburg chiropractor.

It doesn't take a major injury to make your back hurt. Sometimes it's something small, almost silly, that causes the problem. One woman "threw her back out" when she was unfolding her card table for the weekly bridge game.

One guy who played volleyball on the beach every weekend hurt his back during a game. He wasn't very old, even though his wife thought he was probably too old to be playing volleyball every weekend. But he didn't need to be old. All he had to do was reach and twist at the same time in an unaccustomed manner and something popped.

Young people are less likely to hurt their backs because they are more flexible and resilient than their elders. Children almost never suffer a back injury but older kids who get involved in high impact, extreme sports can push themselves too hard. Competitive sports can be a set-up for back injuries.

A back injury doesn't have to be big and dramatic to hurt. Even a minor injury can cause pain that can curtail normal activities. Long periods of inactivity can make the body vulnerable to future injuries.

You might stop doing all sorts of things you used to take for granted and depend on someone else to do them for you. When it gets to be too much trouble to get into the car to drive to a friend's birthday party, you are on your way to being old. Fortunately, many injuries that cause a lot of pain are not serious and don't have to make you old before your time. They can be dealt with safely and easily by a Galesburg Chiropractor.

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