Asthenopia the modern condition of tired eyes

By Rebecca Haden

Asthenopia, or eye strain, is basically a case of eyes that are tired from overuse. Prolonged personal computer use and insufficient sleep bring about tired eyes, a condition which could include itching, watery or dry eyes, vision loss or alteration, and puffiness or redness. Rest is the very best remedy.

That may be great to understand and know its nothing serious, but nonetheless it doesn't really solve the issue of our appearance of tired eyes. As the saying goes our eyes are the windows to the world and nothing is more unappealing to the opposite sex than tired red eyes. So much of the population spends their days working at a pc after which we rest by playing computer games, watching films, the television, or recreational computer use like social media such as Facebook or Bebo. Should you complain about tired the answer is get more sleep.

First, if you want to remove the proof of exhausted eyes. Place cucumber slices or wet tea bags on your eyes for 5 minutes. Lying down along with your eyes closed to get a handful of minutes will give your eyes some rest, and the chemical compounds in the cucumber slices or the tea bags will help to firm up the skin close to the eyes briefly. You'll have much less puffiness and redness.

Eye make up will help, as well. Skip the eyeliner, since it will just draw consideration towards the issue. Instead, use a pale highlighter on the internal corners of the eyes. A champagne coloured eye shadow applied by the tear ducts can give the illusion of brighter eyes. Curl your lashes, as well, for a wide awake appearance. However if you work on a building site the lads may not appreciate you wearing makeup on the job.

Others may possibly not even notice that your eyes are exhausted, but you may still know it yourself. Tired eyes really feel exhausted or unpleasant, and there may also be issues around your vision, tired eyes can prevent them from focusing quickly. Especially if your eyes are exhausted not only from insufficient sleep but from prolonged personal computer use, you're most likely to find that your eyes' capacity to focus becomes affected. Generally, when we look at a close object and after that refocus to an object in the distance, our eyes can refocus so rapidly that we're not even conscious of the change. Asthenopia causes this response to come much slower, making it harder to evaluate distances.

In extreme cases, there might even be blurred vision as the muscles in your eyes cramp and struggle to refocus your lens. Consider an online eye test to ensure it is just tired eyes your suffering from, not something more serious which may mean you having to wear glasses. Although an online eye test is not the same as the check up your optician provides, regular testing of this kind will alert you to any changes of your eyesight.

Apart from that, listen to your granny and get some sleep.

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Nathan said...

And don't be afraid to focus your eyes on something other than your screen for a few minutes. Even better, stand up and stretch, or just wander away from your desk. There's more to workstation ergonomics than the wrist rest and the chair, it is about your working habits too.

And if you happen to be a workaholic (or the unfortunate employee of an fire-breathing manager), bear in mind that no company was brought to the edge of bankruptcy just because the staff dared to take a few minutes to rest their eyes or stretch their limbs.

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