Best Pheromones

By Jack Woodbinal

Androstenone pheromone is the most potent choice on the market. This is great news but what exactly does it mean for you? A pheromone is a natural ingredient that living things emit to attract the opposite sex. Unfortunately with the advent of bettter hygiene these ingredients are washed away. They can now be replaced with a product called androstenone pheromone.

Just a couple of sprays will have women approach you, something that has probably not happened in previous encounters. You will begin to enjoy life when these beautiful women start caressing you. Do not blame them. Subconsciously, the pheromones go to work and you become an object of desire. To buy pheromones is to ensure a pleasurable sex life.

Pheromones were first discovered about 50 years ago by scientists working with mice. The mice excrete androstenone pheromones which are detected by the veromonasal of other mice. The verimonasal is an olfactory sense organ very active in animals. They also noted the same use of androstenone pheromones in moth, flies and other insects. These insects are able to attract mates from over 150 feet away.

Pheromones are scents which the body naturally emit that interests the opposite sex. A scientifically produced spray will make you the hit of the party whenever and wherever such events are held. Peruse the website and see for yourself the effectiveness of this product. Save money that would be wasted buying the advertised items that can be purchased at drug stores which will not work. The question: Do Pheromones work will be proven with a no obligation after a visit to this great and informative website.

When humans sweat they release into the area around them the pheomone that is in their chemical makeup.
this chemical can not be detected by our normal ofafactory nerves but rather is detected by a receptor in our nose called the vomeronasal organ or (VNO).

Visit and read about the great potential that can be realized with the use of Icebreaker Pheromone Cologne. There are offers there that will give you some of this product free in addition to your regular purchase. Don't delay. Buy pheromones now and start the life you have been missing out on for years. Seldom does a product come along that delivers what it promises. Icebreaker Pheromone Cologne is one of these products. There is no obligation in visiting the website and it is certain that you will be impressed by how a product can be so beneficial to your life.

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