Wisdom Tooth Extraction Is Usually Unavoidable

By Yvonne Brixey

Wisdom Tooth Pain

If your having pain in your mouth because of your wisdom teeth,and a wisdom tooth extraction is needed it is important to know how a wisdom tooth extraction works. A dentist cannot perform a wisdom tooth extraction, it needs to be done by an oral surgeon or facial surgeon. They can perform an extraction of painful or impacted wisdom teeth. If all of your wisdom teeth need to be removed at the same time,it may make recovery worse,but sometimes it need to be done.It is fairly common to have the oral surgeon perform the wisdom tooth extraction with an IV to reduce the patients stress.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure

A few things need to be done to prepare for a wisdom tooth extraction. The night before the surgery you cannot eat or drink anything after midnight. This is to help prevent nausea and vomiting due to the anesthetic that will be used.

If all the wisdom teeth are not being extracted a local anesthetic will be used on each tooth before the wisdom tooth extraction procedure. The local anesthetic will be applied around the tooth that is to be removed. If a multiple wisdom tooth extraction is being planned a general anesthetic will probably be used. General anesthesia lets the patient sleep through the operation and helps make the surgeons job more simple as well.

Wisdom tooth extractions need to be performed by a dental professional. The tissue around the gum is opened up and any bone covering the tooth is removed. Impacted wisdom teeth can make the procedure more complicated, and there may be more pain afterward. If the wisdom tooth is hard to get out the surgeon may have to cut or break the tooth into smaller pieces to make the wisdom tooth extraction process easier.

When the wisdom tooth extraction procedure is complete stitches may be need to help heal the gum line. Usually the stitches they use in a wisdom tooth extraction are the kind that dissolve. The dissolving stitches make it so there is no need to remove the stitches from your mouth at a later date.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Aftercare Tips

There will be pain and discomfort after a wisdom tooth extraction,but the pain will usually only last two to three days. An antibiotic and prescribed pain medication will be prescribed to take after the wisdom tooth extraction procedure and will help with oral pain. Ice and heat can also be applied to the cheek area in front of the tooth, this will help reduce pain when heat and ice are alternated. It is also important to make sure no toxins get into the area that is healing, so avoid smoking or anything else that could introduce toxins. Other things to avoid include not using straws for a few days because the sucking motion can make the clot come out,and the clot is important because it forms over the extracted tooth area and helps it heal correctly.

Having a wisdom tooth extraction procedure may not be pleasant, but it will lead to better health and make the pain in your mouth be eliminated once healing is complete. You can find many oral surgeons, depending on the area you live in, who will be able to do a wisdom tooth extraction successfully.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Is Usually Unavoidable

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