By Dmitry Vasenyov

Today a lot of people are trying to determine whether electronic cigarettes are effective. And before you find an answer to this question, you have to decide how you will use them. When people make an initial purchase of electronic cigarette, some objects will be on their minds.

Frankly speaking, the health risks that are traditionally related to smoking tobacco have been rammed down our collective throats for many years. In addition, we have been told that smoking not only affects the smoker, but as well everyone who is nearby. And this has inspired a lot of smokers to quit.

However, there has been a problem with that. Keep in mind that nicotine is one of the main components that are found in tobacco as well as it happens to arguably be the most addictive substance that a person could ingest. And this is a reason why giving up smoking is not an easy task. To help those who want to quit, different gums, nicotine patches and lozenges designed to slowly wean a person off of this substance have been available for many years. However for the smokers who want to kick this habit these cessation aids fail to work.

Electronic cigarettes offer another type of solution to this problem. With e-cigarettes the person will still receive the nicotine fix, but it is possible to inhale and exhale a vapor that looks identical to real tobacco smoke. And as a result, more and more smokers are successfully abandoning tobacco and have taken up vaporing.

The other group of e-cigarette users consists of people who have no intention of quitting smoking, but acknowledge that the number of opportune places to light up has shrunk to a tiny fraction of what it was several decades ago. Unlike passive tobacco smoke, the vapor created by e-cigarettes is completely odorless and absent of all the reported toxins and carcinogens that are contained in real cigarettes.

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