First Symptoms of Menopause.

By Dmitry Vasenyov

Around the age of 40 years old in female body the process of involution starts, which can be conditionally compared with the process of sexual maturation, but as if in the reverse sequence. Ovaries at this age do not react to the hormones produced by the hypophysis. This brain gland, in turn, is no longer getting signals from the ovaries and thereby the whole menstrual cycle is violated. This is the start of climacteric.

With the approach of climacteric women start to experience perspiration and hot flushes. This is a natural periodic reaction to the alteration in thermoregulatory mechanisms of the body that compels a woman to feel like in the sauna: feeling of heat, as a rule, begins from the chest and spreads to the face.

Flash of sensations of heat, which spreads over the body, especially on the chest and head is called the hot flushes; they resemble a stream of hot shower, sometimes after them the sweat arises. Hot flushes may last from 30 seconds to some few minutes, although the cause is not completely investigated; perhaps, this is explained by a combination of biochemical and hormonal fluctuations caused, in turn, by lowering level of estrogens.

Nowadays there is no method of forecasting the next hot flush; they appear in 40 percent of women with regular menstruation after age 40, they may peep out before the violations in the cycle, as the first symptom of approaching climacteric.

In about 80 percent of women over five years after hot flashes started, change of life comes. In 10 percent of women hot flashes last up to 10 years. There is no way to prognosticate when the flashes rebound, but in course of time the frequency and strength generally decreases. The average woman is experiencing hot flashes for about five years.

Sometimes hot flashes are accompanied by night sweating that can lead to difficulties with re falling asleep. Hot flashes are usually caused by the fact that you are doing directly prior to them. Hence, identify these harmful activities. Analyze your behavior; just recall what happened 10 minutes before a hot flash.

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